vc-vacant clean / no guest, ready for inspection. vr-vacant ready / room are ready for guest occupancy. In some hotels the designation used is "Clean and Ready" Occupied: the room is … 7 kamar twin, status vacant dirty. Room status The up-to-date (actual) condition (occupied, vacant, dirty, etc) of the hotel’s individual guest rooms o Linen A generic term for guest room sheets, pillowcases, tablecloths, napkins washed and dried in the laundry area o Terry Generic term for bath towels, hand towels and washcloths washed and dried in the laundry area o OPL “On premise laundry” o Inspector. dnd-do not disturb. oc-occupied clean. Even if a room is Vacant Dirty, my system (OnQ) still shows it as an available room all the way up until room assignment. The General Assistant has to check the room status after the guest has moved and make sure that the room should be in “VD” or Vacant Dirty status in the Fidelio system and inform the Floor Supervisor in charge of the room change. 4 kamar double, status check out. Occupancy Forecast Report – This is usually printed for a month (the next 30 days). Clean and Vacant: he room is vacant, has been cleaned, and can be assigned to a guest. The ROOMS MANAGEMENT > UPDATE OCCUPIED ROOM STATUS, ROOMS MANAGEMENT > UPDATE NO SHOW ASSIGNED ROOM STATUS, and ROOMS MANAGEMENT > UPDATE VACANT ROOM STATUS application settings use the following hierarchy: - Assuming Inspected and Pick Up application functions are active, hierarchy is Inspected, Pick Up, Clean, Dirty. od-occupied dirty. Jadi, jumlah ... double sheet dan ... single sheet yang dibutuhkan untuk ditata pada trolley. Meaning it shows in inventory with ready rooms, I can (and have, by mistake) quote guests prices on them if they are the last Vacant of a specific room type, etc. Room status: The up-to-date (actual) condition of each of the hotel's guest rooms (for example; occupied, vacant, or dirty.) Housekeeping Room Status: All rooms, OccupancyStatus = 'Vacant', status changed to Clean