Example: My hoarding of unnecessary things is getting out of hand. It might be appropriate to use "I" in the first sentence or at least one of the first sentences if you are introducing yourself, but you can also use the technique of reversing the words in a sentnce or adding an introductory element. Openers. Answer: Paragraphs (which should all start with a topic sentence) make up the essay structure. Openers Helping your child with sentence openers at home One of the ways in which children are encouraged to add interest to their writing is by using a variety of sentence openers. this works really well thank you,helps a lot i'll try to share with my friends about this website. generous hyperactive knowledgeable narrow mindedpatient. The tortoise felt confident and challenged the hare to a race. simply download and print this fantastic primary resource for sentence openers and begin planning lessons for your KS2 writing class with ease. Literacy. Thank you for this helpful website I'm from Spain and I'm doing my C1 English test next week and I'm pretty confident thanks to this. To get rid of that problem, you can substitute a clearer and more specific description of the thing you are referring to rather than the simple "the ...." Here are some samples: "The man" could be John (his name), our dentist (our relationship to him), that man I met in the subway (a description of a situation), that rather thin and older man (a description of his appearance). e.g. This is good. Generally speaking, cell phones have changed our family communication for the worse. Answer: If an essay uses sources, it should include a bibliography which lists the works cited in the essay. Word or phrase that shows relationship between ideas. THANKS FOR THE HELP BECAUSE I WAS REALLY IN TROUBLE GETTING ALL MY WORK DONE!!!!!!!! They bickered for five minutes. Jerry L. Harrell Sr. on December 24, 2019: Thank you, I didn’t know of this website even was around for someone to use to learn how to write anything. Listening, Liz smiled and nodded. Here are some ways to transform a simple sentence about my lazy cat: #1 – Subject. Answer: Avoiding "this" is an excellent way to improve your writing. 1. Some of these words work alone and others need to be put into a phrase. I have 100+ articles on how to write. Thanks i cant wait to print this out and carry it with me for my English class . If you haven't yet decided on a thesis question, this is a good time to choose one. Here are some other phrases you could use: 1. Sign up to Twinkl to download this resource. My son has to write a 500 word essay on violence and the Impact. So, what are you waiting for? You can also refute any objections that you expect your reader might have. Question: What's a good way to start a paragraph when you are comparing two characters? Topics. Question: What other words can I use besides "he" while writing an essay? You could write, "the pen belonging to me was stolen" instead of "my pen was stolen" but that is a rather awkward and archaic phrasing. A final way to vary your word choice is to add some of these sentence starters. Rewrite: Because I wanted to explain how sentence starters work, I used many "I sentences in this answer. Your clear and concise tips is very helpful to my son -- he struggles with organization so he needs tools that can help be a better writer and communicator of his ideas. Absolutely! As an expert in communication technology, I am writing to ask you to consider me for a position in your company. Answer: Generally, if you are trying to write just the minimum, you would expect to write five sentences for each paragraph. Bribes were expected by all public officials. Better yet, the more you use transition words in revision, the more you begin to add that technique to your writing during the first draft. Question: Are there different types of essays? The next step is to answer that question, which makes your thesis answer (main thesis statement). Getting too repetitive in our use of language can be off-putting to our readers. Use: moreover, furthermore, additionally, not only...but also, or another addition transition. As long as you use "my" as the possessive of something it works. thank you very much this website is very helpful. Sharon Lopez from Philippines on October 14, 2019: This is such a helpful piece and I am lucky that I came across your article. Thank you! This great sentence openers word mat is a really useful visual aid to use in your literacy lessons. It gives children plenty of ideas about how to start their sentences when writing non-fiction ks2 texts. I always have trouble writing an essay because I use cliched phrases that I don't like. In general, you really can't overuse the word "the." That is an interesting question. Thanks Virginia. If you've found this technique helpful, or if you have another sentence starting technique, please add your comments below to help out other writers. However, your question is probably referring to the problem of your sentences sounding too simple and general. You can find them by searching on the website or just type the kind of essay you are wirting in Google along with "Owlcation" and VirginiaLynne and you should find what I've written on that topic. Question: What is another way to say, "As you can see...?". Answer: Start with describing the two characters and contrasting them. A typical way of starting a sentence in English is with the subject. I'd suggest you start looking at my articles on How to Write an Argument Essay at Owlcation. Thanks so much for your help! Another trick is to take a sentence and invert it so that the "I" is not the first word. (1) Itwas a bleak, rainy morning the day … In the first paragraph of an essay, you will generally give examples first and then put the thesis sentence at the end of the paragraph. Google that and you'll find it. Answer: End your introduction with the topic question. I was racing against time to do my five paragraph essay as the teacher timed my class and I clicked on this and my mind was wide opened with the million ideas I could add. Thanks in advance. Answer: That phrase is a conclusion phrase, and other words for this would be: Question: While writing essays, how can I avoid starting all my sentences with the same word? To see a larger image, click on the picture. Here is how to do that: Some people might think (put objection here, something like: learning a language is too hard). A few of the most popular ones to use are: Additionally, Therefore, In contrast, In conclusion. Varying your sentence lengths and openers adds musicality and interest to your writing. Does the sentence start your conclusion: Use: finally, in conclusion, in sum, obviously, or another concluding transition. Angela Y. Serrano Robles on June 30, 2019: Exactly what I was searching for. Question: What word can I use instead of nowadays to start an essay? What makes using transitions improve your writing is that it forces you to explain the connections between your ideas. Ideally, you should answer the objections and then conclude by telling the reader how you want them to think, believe, or respond to what you are saying. Question: How many sentences should there be in a five-paragraph essay? "people like myself who are born in California, " or "in my opinion" to indicate yourself. It begins training you to think about how your ideas relate to one another and helps you to write essays that are deeper, more connected and logical. "The pen" is not the same as "my pen" or "his pen," and you would want to use the "my" if it is important to note that the pen belongs to you. Question: What is a good way to start a sentence? Answer: "I will explain" is the way that a person might speak when talking to someone but it is never appropriate in an essay because "I will explain" is really the answer to a question someone asks you and in an essay, you are the only one talking. Answer: The word "my" is a possessive pronoun which doesn't really have a substitute. avaricious cantankerous contrary disrespectful formidable. You can also find step by step instructions on how to write these essays. Then I heard his voice, "Hello Chris, we hope...". Question: Does an essay have to have a bibliography? Can I start a sentence with "especially"? When you write, your reader has those thoughts in their head, and those alternative points of view can make them disagree with you and feel that your paper doesn't really seem very convincing. Does it mean that the above mentioned words can be used at the beginning of a sentence? Choosing the Right Word to Start, End, and Transition Topics. astute candid considerate dishonest flippant. Don't always start the sentence with the subject. Sentence Openers A sentence opener is the first phrase or word that is used in a sentence. #sentences #sentenceopeners #wordmat #words #language #communication #literacy #teachingresources #vocabulary #eyfs #twinkl #twinklresources I’m starting to write essays for school and journals. 2. TJS - Web Design Lincolnshire. In your example, the "my" is used with a phrase describing an action "hoarding of unnecessary things" which is the subject of the sentence. Question: What would be another way to say "in the middle of the story...?". 3. Thank you for helping me get a 30/30 on my writting. ", After work, Liz went to the store to get some groceries. Thank you in advance. If you use the same word to start a sentence twice in a paragraph, then you need to choose another transition word and re-word the sentence. Answer: If you are writing in the first person, you really can't get away from using "I" but you can put these sentence starters in front of the "I" so that it doesn't jump out at the reader. Choose the sentence opener which could be added to the beginning of the sentence. If you are using "the" repeatedly, it probably means you are always writing sentences which start with the subject. Did you know that 59% of all African-American men believe...? I will use this website for years to come! Ultimately, the taste of Indian food comes from the variety of ingredients and the creativity of cooks... 2. Question: Is there a better wording for "I am?". Additionally, you might want to think about other ways to state the point or combine two ideas together into one longer sentence. Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Sentence Openers For Children. The crowd watched for hours until, finally, Lindbergh made it to Paris. Here are some suggestions: Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on September 02, 2020: Hi Elisa, I have not written a phone voicemail in a narrative, but my instinct is to not write it inside the narrative to make it smoother. They argued about whether they were out of blueberries and what they should buy for dinner. Question: What is the best way to start a story? SUGGEST A RESOURCE . Answer: Generally, you will use an additive or sequence transition word when doing your body paragraphs unless the information is contrary to what you've said before. Here are some alternatives to "I believe". Often, the easiest word to use is ‘then’. Hopefully, that will help us have better writing. Thank you for this, I used this for my essay and I got an A. The lessons and worksheets below will teach your children how to use nouns as sentence openers in all their writing. A recount, for example, can be structured around … Thanks for this amazing post on June 09, 2020: George Xu from Philippines on May 25, 2020: Great article to help me with writing essays! Elisa Fisher from Texas on September 01, 2020: I'm writing my first book. However, in a formal written document, it is not really the correct form in American English. I personally respond to all comments and questions which have substance and would be useful to more than just one person. Dialing seemed to take forever. ", "Without a doubt, I accept the concept that...". In a dialogue or quoting someone talking, I think it would be appropriate to use the sentences "I have a number of hobbies. Answer: If you are writing in the first person, you can't avoid using "I" all the time. Here are some examples. You can write down just words or phrases. I'd like to clarify something: the title of this material is "sentence starters". Question: What other words can I use instead of "that" in essays? 1. It gives children plenty of ideas about how to start their sentences when writing non-fiction ks2 texts. I this example you could say, "This shows that I'm a thoughtful person, but not always very careful about the details.". Answer: I assume that you are talking about the conclusion of your article. Here are some sample first sentences on that topic: Did you know that in America about 41% of children were living on the brink of poverty in 2016? Worse still, it is common for a story or recount to contain too many examples of 'then' at the beginning of the sentence. Question: What is a good sentence starter for a third paragraph in an essay? Question: What are the best transitions to use with my body paragraphs when I'm writing an essay? Any of these sentence starters will work, but persuasive writing sometimes focuses on the more common or emotionally charged language, avoiding the more academic-sounding words. Thank you so much for creating this website! Just getting started with a piece of short or extended writing can often be challenging. *all the below was writen by Amanda Thayer i take no credit for any of it. Sentence openers should always be indicated by writing the correct sentence opener number in the margin. You may not believe it, but the truth is that... On the one hand we all know...., but, on the other hand, none of us does anything about it. Maths. The most important tip to quickly improve your writing is to follow one rule: Start every sentence in a paragraph with a different word. (1) Hewas an odd, little man with a dark green suit. For over 20 years, I've taught these tips to students and seen their writing dramatically improve. Does this sentence add evidence? Sentence openers - analyitical & essay writing. Clearly, the answer may be simple but requires some explanation. An adverb is the part of speech that describes, modifies or provides more information about a verb in a sentence. First of all, they argued about whether they were out of blueberries, and secondly what they should buy for dinner. I have worked for over 20 years at a large private University in the United States. I'm writing it as first-person narrative. I have over 100 English writing essays here on Owlcation. Consequently, Joy laughed and told him, "We are on our way!". Why does that help? Finally, the ultimate significance of the roads was... Im in school, We are talking about the Inca Roads and I've already talked about Why the roads were important but I dont know how to sart of my sentence with " This is significant because". Remember that when you are in a conversation with someone, they can ask you questions and point out flaws they see in your arguments, or other points of view. You might also consider asking a friend in your class to read and respond. What would be good word to use at the start of a sentence instead of using “the” and “I” for a letter to a business? These (primary resources) Sentence openers are wonderfully illustrated to ensure they are fun and engaging for your students. Thanks a lot, Virginia. Liz went to the store to get some groceries. Inevitably, as soon as I tell my classes about this technique their writing improves dramatically. This Sentence Openers word mat is a great visual aid during your literacy lessons. The cat stayed indoors all day. Finally, Joy's phone rang. It also helps to start with an example or a story which will get your reader involved in your paper. Use a variety of transition words, not the same one. When children start on their writing journey, most sentences initially begin with ‘I, they, he/she, then’. Answer: Here are the best sentence starters for children who are just learning to write: Sequence Words: First, Second, Third, Next, After, Afterwards, Before, During, Words that Show Time: At noon, In the morning, At bedtime, Later, Soon, Words that Show Place: Around, Behind, Above, In front of, Under, Near, Over, Outside. Luckily, it was their friend Mark inviting them over to his house for dinner. First of all, Indian food is wonderful because it uses so many spices... 2. Thank you so much it helped me pass my report! Answer: Your introduction should explain the main point of your essay and what you think is the main differences and/or similarities in the two texts. Subject opener: A sentence that starts with a subject or has a subject near the beginning of the sentence. I am going to start using this website to learn. Here are some examples: Especially in the summer, I love to take a walk in the woods. Answer: What you are describing is a "cause" transition. Question: What are other words can I use instead of "I" when writing an essay? How to Improve the Vocabulary of Your Essay. Thanks for this undoubtedly useful article. So, would a sentence like "Especially I like swimming" be correct? You can find them by looking at my profile page, owlcation’s home page, or by Googling my name and the topic you need help with. Cell phones have changed our family communication for the worse. These words would explain the "especially" when or what. Question: What are other words can I use instead of "So"? There are many more words you can use to start a sentence. Answer: 1. It is very helpful in my essay writing and it improves my understanding too so I believe that it will give more Hint in writing.Thanks and God will bless you for done this job. It was really helpful for this website and now i know what to start in a sentence. In addition to toaster ovens, the product includes coffee makers and can openers that can easily be tucked out the way, yet remain easily within reach. If you wish to subscribe straight away, visit our Join Us page. After a while, they built up enough courage to look behind the rusty old car. Are you writing something that happens in order? Answer: There are several ways to answer this question, and so, I will try to cover all of the information possible on this topic. It has been very useful. For example "the book" could be replaced by the title of the book, or a phrase like "what I'm reading," of "novel" or just "it.". I write a lot of essays in my studies and I want them to be good and of high quality. To choose the right one, you need to decide what connection that body paragraph has to the paragraphs before. Interested in playing more? Remember these 6 openings and you can write anything you want! Use an introductory phrase instead. You can also add an adverb (word ending in "ly" which describes the verb). Description Go back and see what I did to "eliminate" the "I"! Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on June 20, 2020: Glad you find this helpful Kenneth. How? Know what you want to write but aren't sure where to start? I can't wait to see your other posts. You can also use these questions for help. belligerent casual cranky dynamic frugal. Answer: My answer has to be yes! Usually used at the start of a sentence. Question: What are other ways to start a sentence instead of "I will explain"? I need sentence starters book for my research. Openers... the key to starting a good sentence. ), Transitive (you can add something after these but you don't have to in order for the sentence to be complete). However, a good strategy is to avoid putting "I" at the beginning of every sentence. Answer: "It" is a pronoun that is used for an object. Liz retorted that Joy didn't know how to make guacamole correctly and that she was tired of Mexican food every night. Especially nice is a hot summer day and a cool dip in our neighbor's pool. The cat stayed indoors all day. If you are contrasting, use a contrast transition etc. Suddenly, she slammed the book down on her desk. Sentence Openers. This will help me make my essays better! Have them read your paper, or just tell them your ideas and ask them what sorts of arguments they think people might have against what you are saying. Answer: Other words or phrases you could use are: Answer: Transitive verbs are verbs (action words) which need to have something after them( an object-a noun or pronoun) in order to form a complete sentence. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Grammar for academic writing, Sentence starters transitional and other useful words, Sentence openers work 8 read each underline, Vocabulary connectives openers and punctuation, Sentence starters claim evidence reasoning, English 2006, Website facebook sentence sense, … Sentence ) make up the point you are always working or shopping on their phones assume! On Owlcation body paragraph for my essay introduction when comparing two texts Kansas on December 30 2019! Tea and a cool dip in our neighbor 's pool person in the produce section transition Topics on... A hot summer day and a good sentence paragraph, as soon as I tell classes. '' uses `` my '' as the possessive of something it works comparing two texts before became!: next, I usually introduce sentence starters on some sentences. I... That body paragraph for my research paper in college framework for a position in your as. 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