The black weight of Playfair Display font offers very strong impression in Gabe’s portfolio below. Here is what I meant: 1) Before you give a like: http: (THe CSS does appear in the page code, however I can’t get it to actually take effect–this is probably more to do with my CSS skills than the Avada theme, but help would be appreciated. I use avada and the header1, which is the first header pre-built in avada theme, the header on top. The headline or title can often be the most important part of a design. Playfair is a classic serif font family. I solved it by editing the style.css in the themes\avada directory and imported my font via the font-face, plus I selected none for the font selection boxes in the typography section of the theme options otherwise they override my fonts. As a great choice for title and headers, it pairs well with most of the popular sans serif fonts for body text. {font-size: 35px; font-style: italic; color: #000; text-shadow: 0 0 4px #FFF;} There is a red circle with a white cross next to the entries @import and the previous line