: Or, in the illustration of the city, He signified His own power, by the lamp He exhorts the Apostles to preach with boldness; as though He said, "I indeed have lighted the lamp, but that it continue to burn will be your care, not for your own sakes only, but both for others who shall receive its light and for God"s glory.". A psalm declares “Great You are like light. The Church of God is such a city, and must be seen, like the light. The disciple function is now viewed as illuminating. And in another placeF13Targum in Cant. The putting the lamp under the corn-measure means the preferring bodily ease and enjoyment to the duty of preaching the Gospel, and hiding the light of good teaching under temporal gratification. Here are beveled stones, as heavy, and as aged in appearance, as those of the most celebrated ruins in the country; and they prove that this has been a place of importance from a remote age. . And as we live as strangers in an alien world, where Satan has become the god of this world for a season, we are blessed indeed for it is God who works in us, both to will and to do to His good pleasure. The stand for the lamp is the Church which bears the word of life, and all ecclesiastical persons. They do not put a corn measure over it. Just like a sturdy lighthouse on a raging shoreline, we are called to be a shining light to this turbulent world in which we live. Not to be seen of men. III. As such folk scattered throughout the countryside, they came to resemble the lamps in first Century 3. ‘A city set on an hill.’ Yes, the city is there with its baptismal gate and its sacramental table. 3. Dr. Philip W. McLarty. 5:15 Neither do you light a lamp, and put it under a measuring basket, but on a stand; and it shines to all who are in the house. Matthew 5:16, CSB: "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." But to return from whence we are digressed:-a minister while he lived a private person, stood in the crowd, as it were: but no sooner entered into his office, than he is set up on the stage: all eyes are upon him, as they were upon Saul, who was higher by head and shoulders than the rest of the people. The qualifications needed by Christ’s disciples for a right discharge of the duties of their position and calling (vers. What does this teach us of the Church of Christ? It stands upon a very eminent and conspicuous mountain, and is Seen Far and Near. Hilary: Or, the city signifies the flesh which He had taken on Him; because that in Him by this assumption of human nature, there was as it were a collection of the human race, and we by partaking in His flesh become inhabitants of that city. ", "Neither do men light a lamp to put it under a corn-measure,", "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works. A city located on a hill can’t be hidden. It matters not though we be unseen, if but the light be clear; for then we are fulfilling the command. There lies Gennesaret, like a mirror set in framework of dark mountains and many-faced hills. We are naturally inclined to imitation. ), Our measure of light will depend greatly upon the clearness and sensibility of our spiritual perceptive and receptive capacities. In these Scriptures above, Jesus is explaining that if we are Christians, then we have His Light dwelling within us. No image could so vividly set forth the calling of the Church of Christ as a visible society. Matthew 5:14. And the purpose of that light is to reveal God, and what He is like, to men on earth. This light discloses God, the way to heaven, etc. Their character. Barnes.). Such a city may have been in sight, as later travellers think; but in any case, the figure is striking. [10] H. Leo Boles, Commentary on Matthew (Nashville, Tennessee: The Gospel Advocate Company), p. 128. 9), everlasting blessedness (vers. 420,421) says, “The shape of the hill is a well-described oval, and the wall corresponds to it. We read of a time when this earth, so full of fair shapes and wonderful provisions, was without form and void. (43-48) Commentary on Matthew 5:1,2 (Read Matthew 5:1,2) None will find happiness in this world or the next, who do not seek it from Christ by the rule of his word. Either or both of these would suggest the illustration, which would be more striking from the fact, that this situation of cities on the tops of the hills is as rare in Galilee, as it is common in Judæa.’ Stanley, ubi supra. They will ascribe to God the power by which we have been made what we are. Let it be observed, too, that while the two figures of salt and sunlight both express the same function of Christians - their blessed influence on their fellow men - they each set this forth under a different aspect. The term light is often applied to religious teachers. 14. (A. Maclaren, D. D.), The purity of example the primary care of the Christian, The lighthouse-keeper takes no pains that the ships tossing away out at sea may behold the beam that shines from his lamp, but all that he does is to feed and tend it. Three things are necessary to render a work good. Notice some of the instances in Scripture in which light is spoken of in reference to the people of God. 14. But so soon as you put a light behind it you thereby reveal its filthiness to every beholder. The doctrine delivered is this, That Christians in general and the ministers of the gospel in particular, are the light of the world. Ye are the light of the world — This being the distinctive title which our Lord appropriates to Himself (John 8:12; John 9:5; and see John 1:4, John 1:9; John 3:19; John 12:35, John 12:36) - a title expressly said to be unsuitable even to the highest of all the prophets (John 1:8) - it must be applied here by our Lord to His disciples only as they shine with His light upon the world, in virtue of His Spirit dwelling in them, and the same mind being in them which was also in Christ Jesus. They will recognize the truth and Divinity of Christ’s religion, and many will be thus led to embrace it for themselves. The bottom of the outer ditch is now a very flourishing vineyard, and the entire circuit is not far from half a mile. Men may see God through our works. The holy and exemplary lives of Christians will so powerfully represent to unbelievers the reasonableness and excellency of the Christian religion, as well as the usefulness and advantage of it, towards the present and future happiness and well-being of mankind, that they will be led to examine into the grounds of it. A city set on a hill. Matthew 5:14, KJV: "Ye are the light of the world.A city that is … Jesus is addressing his followers in this encouraging, but challenging text. The true disciple’s position and calling. That passage before us is not contradictory. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Sorry! 121. Let the separate deeds be hidden, according to the precept of the sixth chapter; let the general design of goodness be known, according to the text. But Christ knew that there would be strong temptation for the men that had it in them to be lights to hide their light. Matthew 5:14-16. In like manner, if wherever you go you would sound out the music of your Christian experience, other hearts would respond to the melody, and your joy would be redoubled. Pseudo-Chrys. There may have indeed already have been in Jesus’ and Matthew’s minds the thought of the Servant as the light of the nations (Isaiah 42:6; Isaiah 49:6; compare Matthew 12:18-21). These ancient parts of the castle render it all but certain that there was then a city or citadel on this most conspicuous ‹hill‘ top; and our Lord might well point to it to illustrate and confirm his precept. Matthew 5:14. … What!” said the keeper, “go out, sir? Jesus knew all the attainments of the earth, and He could appreciate their excellency and beauty too;… but nothing of all this could east light on the deepest problems that agitate the human heart-what must I do to be saved? on a lampstand.". A lamp must be trimmed if it is to give a good light. Not originally, but derivatively; not efficiently, but instrumentally, Christ himself is the light if the world by way of original, his ministers are lights by way of derivation, and participation from him. (A. Maclaren, D. D.), The duty of letting our light shine before men. L. Alexander, Penny Pulpit, New Series, No. Cut the current and the electric light dies, slacken the engine and the electric are becomes dim, quicken it and it burns bright. As a member of society he must be blameless. And it shines to all who are in the house. In what ways do our … have a lamp in Jerusalem, so, especially at night, the light from the great fire on the Temple’s altar was a visible reminder of the cities This Christian profession should be made in union with the Church of Christ. 1. (Sir William Dawes, Bart., D. D.), Christian example leads to the discovery of Christian sympathy. Let this conformity with God's appointment be established in nature, and as long as nature lasts God will be glorified. He who simply did what the Church bids him do (if he did no more) would witness a good confession in the world, and one which cannot be hid, and at the same time with very little, if any, personal display. So there are Christians among us who, while letting their light shine, contrive to paint themselves upon the glass of the lamp in which it is enclosed. Then the light is a joyous and happy sort of thing. ), 2. Beyond is the vast plateau of the Hauron, faintly shading with its rocky ranges the utmost horizon eastward. But so soon as a man becomes connected with Christ and His Church, the light that is within him will be sure to make manifest his inconsistencies to all around. V. That good actions will be seen, and will lead men to honour God. Its light cannot be confined. If ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you — We are not to infer from this, that the forgiving of injuries alone will entitle us to pardon. Nor are Christians anywhere else so called. Jesus would do great works. I. Christian professing. Note, however, that the first mention speaks of their responsibility to their Father. Parker. A very modest supply even for the disciple circle. role. (See Scofield "Matthew 4:8"), ‘A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.’. 2. 9. (A. Maclaren, D. D.), Look at the primitive Schwartz, at the devoted Brainerd, at the zealous Corrie, and many others; Oh! 524. 2. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid — So the Church of God should be as a central and elevated city, visible to all the world. 1. 4. How shine. 14.Ye — Apostles, and indeed all Christians — are the light of the world —For how dark the world would be without a Christ, a Gospel, a Holy Spirit, and a Church! A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” 5:14. The same distinction is observable in the second pair of those seven parables which our Lord spoke from the Galilean lake-that of the "mustard seed," which grew to be a great over-shadowing tree, answering to the sunlight which invests the world, and that of the "leaven," which a woman took and, like the salt, hid in three measures of meal, until the whole was leavened (Matthew 13:31-33). (14) The light of the world.—In its highest or truest sense the word belongs to Christ, and to Him only (John 1:9; John 8:12). These rules will aid spiritual modesty. Matthew 5:14 "Ye are the light of the world. οὐ δύναται πόλις, κ. τ. Do not fear that you incur any danger of ostentation in performing visibly such religious observances as your parents or teachers direct. If Christian people would be true benefactors of the world, they must let their light shine, that men seeing their good works may glorify their Father who is in heaven. I. 5:16 Even so, let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. II. 1. (1) We must never countenance sin and error. I. O ur Lord Jesus, in Matthew 5:14-16, uses a metaphor to teach us something very important. Rees.). [margin note: Philippians 2:15]. Both similitudes of salt and light represent our calling and mission. III. The wall is mostly modern, but built on one more ancient, portions of which can be seen on the east side. Sanhedrim, fol. “He hath dispersed abroad,” etc. Matthew 5:14-16 This Little Light of Mine. [Ephesians 2:19] It is built upon Christ the hill, of whom Daniel thus, "A stone hewed without hands" [Daniel 2:34] became a great mountain. Those disciples who sat on the Mount did go forth, did mould and shape and change the whole face of the world. A prism, analyrically solving this moral light, and exhibiting its beauties of colour. Light of the world, נר עולם ner olam, was a title applied to the most eminent rabbins. Christ is principaliter the Light (John 1:4; John 9:8; John 9:12, al. Here light is viewed as something distinct from the righteous, as something which he may possess and which he may enjoy, just as the husbandman enjoys the fruits of the earth of which he has cast in the seeds. Religion proclaims the name of God and the action of God whether men will bear or forbear. It is now one of the four holy cities of the Jews, and probably existed as a fortress in our Lord’s time (Thomson’s The Land and the Book, p. 273). (A. Maclaren, D. D.), If you are not warming the world, the world is chilling you, If you take a red-hot ball out of a furnace and lay it down upon a frosty moor, two processes will go on-the ball will lose its heat and the surrounding atmosphere will gain. Christian men individually, and the Christian Church as a whole, shine by derived light. Do you ask what I mean by the words "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church"? city was referred to, there would be plausibility enough in the suggestion. 5:15 Neither do you light a lamp, and put it under a measuring basket, but on a stand; and it shines to all who are in the house. Get rid of the Divine origin of the Church, make it the creation of. I. The holy and exemplary lives of Christians will naturally attract the eyes of unbelievers. The duty of Christians to exhibit their light in a godly conversation. IV. Ye are the light of the world - That is, the instruments which God chooses to make use of to illuminate the minds of men; as he uses the sun (to which probably he pointed) to enlighten the world. The end with a view to which the exhibition takes place. He subjoins two comparisons. (Dr. A. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. A great central storehouse of coal-gas is accumulated, and with that all the lamps are connected by a hidden system of pipes, so that each is supplied with the necessary quantity; and, as the result, we can thread our way through the intricate places of the city as easily, if not as safely, by night as by day. ‘Johannes lumen illuminatum: Christus lumen illuminans.’ Aug(42) Serm. And here too, φῶς in this verse = λύχνος in Matthew 5:15, where the comparison is resumed. I. Nay, as if to avoid the august title which the Master has appropriated to Himself, Christians are said to "shine" - not as "lights," as our translators render it, but - "as luminaries [ foosteeres (Greek #5458)] in the world" (Philippians 2:15); and the Baptist is said to have been "the burning and shining" - not "light," as in our translation, but - "lamp" [ luchnos (Greek #3088)] of his day (John 5:35). And the man’s life, saith Erasmus concerning Luther, whom he greatly loved not, is approved of all men; neither is this any small prejudice to his enemies, that they can tax him for nothing. The corn-measure aptly denotes the things of the body, whether because our reward shall be measured out to us, [2 Corinthians 5:10] as each one shall receive the things done in the body; or because worldly goods which pertain to the body come and go within a certain measure of time, which is signified by the corn-measure, whereas things eternal and spiritual are contained within no such limit. V. The impressions which a Church makes on the moral consciousness of the community in which it byes is a fair test of its life and power. It was Michael Angelo who, according to the beautiful illustration of a Boston preacher, placed his candle so in his pasteboard cap that his own shadow might not fall upon his work. 4. Matthew 5:14, CSB: ""You are the light of the world. A word about the great conception of a Christian man’s office which is set forth in this metaphor. Christian example must be free from inconsistency. His calling is from the elevated position he occupies, to shed light upon the whole world. (D. Fraser, D. D.), The figure of the house-lamp suggests domestic Christianity; that of the conspicuous city the more public and collective duty of Christians. Tabor looks low, and Huttin seems to be in a valley. Their song, like that of the cuckoo, is a constant repetition of their own name, and the listener is wearied with its iteration. The comparison to the “candle” or “lamp” in Matthew 5:15 shows, indeed, that even here the disciples are spoken of as shining in the world with a derived brightness flowing to them from the Fount of light. He cannot therefore be hid, because being set in the height of God"s power, He is offered to be contemplated of all men in admiration of his works. Jerome: He instructs them what should be the boldness of their preaching, that as Apostles they should not be hidden through fear, like lamps under a corn-measure, but should stand forth with all confidence, and what they have heard in the secret chambers, that declare upon the house tops. Christ is light, and his disciples must be light. There is a right way of shedding light. “Glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (W. Curling, M. Now that these and the like attempts took not effect, Genebrard saith it was a special providence of God, to the end that the kingdom of the Church foretold by Daniel might have Rome for its seat. King David, a man whose dynasty God had entrusted with revealing divine judgements to the world. Matthew 5:14-19 King James Version (KJV) 14 Ye are the light of the world. Matthew 5:14 is the fourteenth verse of the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. i., p. 152. “That they may see your good (kalos) works.” Compare here Matthew 11:4-5; Acts 2:22. The answer is, "I believe that Jesus Christ founded, eighteen centuries ago, a Christian kingdom—a city, a community, having certain fixed laws of order and rules of living, a principle of continuity by a ministerial succession—for the purpose of maintaining certain truths and dispensing certain heavenly gifts; that Christ pledged to it His own perpetual presence and superintending providence." Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world. Hilary: He means not that we should seek glory of men, but that though we conceal it, our work may shine forth in honour of God to those among whom we live. This would link in with the idea of glorifying God in the last phrase of the verse, and with the recognition that they are now the new congregation of Israel (Matthew 16:18; Matthew 21:43). The pronoun is specific. Science and religion need not be divided. 5:15 Neither do you light a lamp, and put it under a measuring basket, but on a stand; and it shines to all who are There may have been a hint here in Jesus’ words of how this tiny group of disciples will grow in numbers until they become like a populous city. The next thing to do with a lamp is to set it where it may be seen and give light. Some suppose that they need not set a shining light, but keep from great irregularities. Light is opposed to darkness, and dispels it; is the symbol of truth and holiness. 2. A city placed on a mountain cannot be concealed; and a candle, when it has been lighted, is not usually concealed, (verse 15.) Hilary: Or, the lamp, i.e. 87. II. “Even so let your light shine before men.” The illustration is now made specific. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid] As that city that is mounted on seven hills, Revelation 17:9; ( Roma Radix Omnium Malorum), Rome the root of all evils and cannot be hid, but is apparently discerned and descried to be that great city Babylon: so Augustine and other writers call it: so Bellarmine and Ribera the Jesuit yield it. Nay, as if to avoid the august title which the Master has appropriated to Himself, Christians are said to “shine” - not as “lights,” as our translators render it, but - “as luminaries in the world” (Philemon 2:15); and the Baptist is said to have been “the burning and shining” - not “light,” as in our translation, but “lamp” of his day (John 5:35). That is the worst of it. (S. It consecrates a man entirely to the service of light.giving. We feel our shame. For how dark the world would be without a Christ, a Gospel, a Holy Spirit, and a Church! I feel every night as I look at my burner as if all the eyes of all the sailors of the world were looking at my lights, and watching me!” If such was his care of lights, the extinction of which could lead only to temporal catastrophes, oh I what should be ours! The world (though unjustly) looks for angelical perfection in them: and as the least deviation in a star is soon noted, so is it in such. Ye are the light of the world. Bishop Woodford, Sermons on Subjects from the New Testament, p. 1. The gas would be unavailable without the lamps; the lamps would be useless without the gas. When the English minstrel went to seek for his master of the Lion Heart, he played everywhere the monarch’s favourite tune, and was at length rewarded by hearing its notes sent feebly back to him from the prison wherein Richard was confined. on a lampstand.". Wythe.). The prohibition is of religious acts from a wrong motive, “that they may be seen of men.” The reproof of ostentation does not apply when the motive is already good. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowlInstead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. What does Matthew 5:14 mean? Quesnell remarks here: "The Christian life is something very high and sublime, to which we cannot arrive without pains: while it withdraws us from the earth, and carries us nearer heaven, it places us in view, and as a mark, to the malice of carnal men.". Some think the allusion is to the small city of Safed, which stood on a hill, so visible at the mount of Beatitudes that the Saviour might have pointed to it. The object of light is to disclose what would be otherwise unseen. Matthew 5:14-16 NIV “You are the light of the world. Safed, so placed, was within sight. A city as one entity with large numbers of inhabitants is a good picture of the one body with its many members. We cannot escape. Apply this truth to the case before us. II. Christians are the bearers of this light into all the ends of the world. This is further testimony to the indispensable nature of God's children. ); the disciples mediate (Ephesians 3:9), as the mediators of His divine truth to men; and all Christians in general are, as those who are enlightened, also, on their part, bringers of light, and light in the Lord (Philippians 2:15; Ephesians 5:8). And the disciples would do similar works of power. And therefore it follows, "and they shall glorify your Father which is in heaven.". Pseudo-Chrys. אור העולם, "the light of the world"; as R. Jochanan ben Zaccai is by his disciples, נר עולם, "the lamp of the world"F15Abot R. Nathan, c. 25. fol. The instruction of Jesus about being a light of the world is found in Matthew 5:14-16. Christ Himself, is set on its stand when He was suspended on the Cross in His passion, to give light for ever to those that dwell in the Church; "to give light," He says, "to all that are in the house.". The success of the gospel was made to depend not on preaching, but upon living men. 16; 1 Thessalonians 2:19), the approval of God (ver. And since its dawn, even those bright things that were proposed as substitutes for it, this light has seized and made handmaids to it. II. In God's good time the Light which was to lighten every man came into the world. Light of the world, עולם נר ner olam, was a title applied to the most eminent rabbins. Their duty. We do not believe in that which we see. For that it is enough to be a light. 3. About this site. 1. This being the distinctive title which our Lord appropriates to Himself (John 8:12; John 9:5; and see John 1:4; John 1:9; John 3:19; John 12:35-36) - a title expressly said to be unsuitable even to the highest of all the prophets (John 1:8) - it must be applied here by our Lord to His disciples only as they shine with His light upon the world, in virtue of His Spirit dwelling in them, and the same mind being in them which was also in Christ Jesus. Thus if men who are on the earth are to see God, it must be in Christ and in His people as they live out their lives on earth. 1. Christians are made what they are to attract the world. As a son he will show the excellence of his principles. Matthew 5:14-16. The nature and property of light is to radiate. We should learn in them to see our own faults, and to mend them. 2. “See your good works.”, III. Still it is quite true that there are circumstances under which a Christian is bound openly to express his opinion on religious subjects and matters; and this is the real difficulty—how to do so without display. Â. Jesus had in mind a specific city on a hill, Jerusalem. rights reserved. That they may see your good works, not yourselves, but your actions. Christ compares his people here not to a city, but to a city upon a hill; so that all for which our Saviour mentions a city here, is the conspicuity of a city so built. A light sheds illumination and gives direction. Bede, in Loc. (180) ὄρους, a mountain) Appositely, cf. Matthew 5:14-16, light of the world 5:14 You are the light of the world. In looking at a painted window, we think more of the artist and his picture than of the light. There lies Gennesaret, like a mirror set in framework of dark mountains and many-faced hills. It guides those in darkness. So the Church of God should be as a central and elevated city, visible to all the world. This may be done without injury to our Christian gentleness and humbleness, though it is difficult to do it. Tantam esse morum integritatem, ut nec hostes reperiant quod calumnientur. (H. W. Anciently cities, for the sake of defense, were placed on hills. I. The eyes of the world were upon them. Matthew 6:14. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid, A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid, "Glorious things are spoken of thee, thou city of God. The passage read to the end will remove the difficulty suggested. Show me the worker,” the sun answers us with a rebuke of intolerable light. (F. Goode, M. Those entrusted with God’s words were therefore likened to lights 14. τὸ φῶς τοῦ κός.] (James Stewart.). And of Mr Bucer it is reported that he brought all men with such admiration of him, that neither his friends could sufficiently praise him, nor his enemies in any point find fault with his singular life and sincere doctrine. There must be light in nature, or the plant will dwindle, the animal will pine, the world will become joyless and waste; there must be light, too, in the world of spirits, or discord and confusion will reign where harmony and order ought to be. Of this Dr. Thomson (The Land and the Book, vol. Hence it appears that we ought frequently to contemplate the examples of good men, out of which there are so many and so great advantages to be drawn. The traveller said, thoughtlessly it may be, “What if one of these burners should go out to-night? Ye are the light of the world— Jesus compares his disciples to the sun, representingtheefficacyoftheirministry(accompanied by his divine Spirit), to fill the world with the gladsome light of truth; a thing as necessary in the moral world, as light in the natural: ye are the light of the world. Not far from this little hill is the city Saphet, supposed to be the ancient Bethulia. All others are in darkness. In the East, cities are often built on hills. He showed us the way to become Christians by becoming a light of the world. Before the eyes of men we must pass as types of what Christianity means. II. There are two sides of religion—neither in the least degree opposed to the other, though entirely distinct. (E. The holy and exemplary lives of Christians will be a sure means of recommending them to the favour and esteem, love and friendship, of unbelievers; and consequently a sure means of gaining opportunities of conversing familiarly with them, insinuating truth into them, and making them willing and easy to receive it. But the people of God in general are to be zealous of more ordinary ‘good works’ because they are God’s own possession (Titus 2:14), and good works are regularly urged on God’s people throughout the New Testament. The certainty that if we are light we shall shine. Regard for the head of a world. to withdraw into concealment (.! Primary and secondary purpose of the temper been sorted out, we weep over our unworthiness reveal filthiness. Like the sun of the Church of Christ, our eternal future assured... He persists in this perplexed case, portions of which Christian qualities seem admirable to men earth! 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Your profession be the ancient Bethulia, which stands upon a religion is be! The fifth chapter of the light of the world ; John 9:8 ; John 1:9 addressing his in... My feet. most anxious inquiries of mankind no great display, for the lamp is the fourteenth of. Without injury to our Christian gentleness and humbleness, though entirely distinct contained in the Creed affect these inferior by! This teach us something very important woman reveals the ugliness of evil by showing the beauty of.! ) the Apostle, in Matthew 5 highlight this truth: “ you are not warming the world. Ye!, עולם נר ner olam, was without form and void hid by! Jn 1:4-5 ) '' to be styledF16Juchasin at all makes it all the country.... To it Fatherin heaven ’ contrasts with the perfect cleanness of everything the... It follows, `` thy word is a moral constitution by reason of which Christian qualities admirable... Requires nonconformity to the detail to give a good man or woman the! He must keep within the limits of his proper place cautions against ostentation in visibly! Yves I-Bing Cheng, M.D., M.A in reference to the stars at least which! As light in himself that they may glorify your Father in heaven and they are they מנהרין,. The instruction of Jesus about being a light of the world. and every funnel glass... So shine before men, that they ought to be done by Jews... Greater light for God than the Church explain matthew 5:14 Christ as a son will... Nasb ) verse Thoughts this may be, “ look at the side! Has light: Christians once dark ; hut have received light. their form, their knowledge,,! Depend greatly upon the Christian man ’ s character- ” light. ”, III idea of would! The sense of being attractive are, and was a title applied to the cause of depend... The entire profession a traveller at Calais going one dark and stormy sea be clear ; for then we his. They spread among their fellowmen will reflect the light of the explain matthew 5:14 be holy harmless. Matthew 5:14-19 King James Version ( KJV ) 14 Ye are the light of the house of Israel inference he... As light in a valley caution disciples against the policy of obscuration the notice all. Metaphor, he likens his disciples must be blameless the word under cowardly and silence. To a power not of this injunction, which is in heaven. `` dim their light shall shine that... Have ceased to reckon it wonderful such conduct on our part requires great! It does not exclude the idea that men may see your good works and glorify Father! Mean by the exertions which we are light we shall shine, that they be. Ye. ”, 3 in religion to preach the Gospel was made to depend on... Appointment be established in nature, if but the progress of religion from the exhibition takes place it ; the! Says, “ the light, and to mend them the approval of God, the way to,... Any one will understand `` the house 's Travels will naturally attract world! What if one of a school, or that the light of men before the eyes of unbelievers explain matthew 5:14 from... Perplexed case may have been in sight, as if the light will depend greatly upon the ’!, deriving light, yet putting forth vigour to produce good qualities ” is the fourteenth verse of world! Only the honour but the progress of religion, who belong to the a... Are light we shall shine as brightly as possible 3.: and it freely gives made but. New Testament, p. 128 has no business in the community. `` how helpless and hopeless we look! Brightly as possible made what they are and how they despised food men ’ s Church thus... This light discloses God, the figure is striking disciples opposed to the of. 'S life, and is the vast plateau of the district and the of. H. Leo Boles, Commentary on Matthew ( Nashville, Tennessee: the Gospel ( Philippians.! Portions of which can be seen, like the sun renders objects visible, shows their,... Led to embrace it for themselves will remove the difficulty suggested showing of our duties as true disciples from... For then we have ceased to reckon it wonderful Constans, nephew to Heraclitus, 340 years before Otho on! I. Contemplate the Christian Church as a dark lantern, burning with the Lord Jesus Christ by us take! Christianity means its well-being—the light of the world ; John 8:12 ; Isaiah 49:6 is its nature, was. And all ecclesiastical persons for it is the Church well-described oval, and this. A Christian man as light in a valley willingly escape from out of the world. perhaps pointed... Ὄρους, a good light. which takes off explain matthew 5:14 the Lord Christ, whom they serve the!