Class: Magnoliopsida 6. Artorhiza Raf. Section Normania Duration: Perennial Growth Habit: Subshrub, Herb/Forb Arizona Native Status: Native Habitat: Desert, Upland. In addition to S. emulans being the older name, S. ptycanthum is now considered a synonym of S. americanum. Family. American Nightshade, American black nightshade. Battata Hill dulcamara [90,147] Solanum dulcamara L. var. The genus was established by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. Solanum aculeatissimum is a spiny, erect, few-branched shrub producing one or few stems from base that grow 0.5 - 2 metres tall. (non DC. It is in flower from June to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October. Section Torva, Section Afrosolanum ex Sendtn. Solanum diphyllum. ex Dunal : Common Name(s): Irish potato [English] Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: accepted Data Quality Indicators: Record Credibility Rating: verified - standards met Common Names. Kenneally, K.F., Edinger, D. & Willing, T. (1996). Solanum americanum - Mill. Solanum largiflorum CT White (1917) International Common Names. ;Solanum delagoense Dunal; Solanum lichtensteinii Willd. Solanum phureja Juz. Section Nycterium Common name: Black-berry Nightshade. Solanum is a large and diverse genus of flowering plants, which include three food crops of high economic importance, the potato, the tomato and the eggplant (aubergine, brinjal). Section Crinitum The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. Aubergine (Europe) Eggplant (English) Some compilations list Solanum melongena (talong) and Solanum cumingii (talong-talongan) as synonyms. 2015;l Särkinen et al. Potato is mainly used as a staple food but also has a number of medicinal values. To propagate, take cuttings from summer to early autumn. Geological distribution of Solanum Xanthocarpum. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects. Family: Solanaceae | Common name: Solanum dulcamara, bittersweet, bittersweet nightshade, bitter nightshade, Amara Dul This lovely British native is a semi-woody scrambling plant bearing pretty violet flowers which have a pronounced yellow 'beak'. Regional variation will account for more common names of species e.g. Solanum bojeri Dunal; Solanum campylacanthum Hochst. Dulcamara Moench [7] Its subdivision has always been problematic, but slowly some sort of consensus is being achieved. non L. Common Name(s): deadly nightshade : garden nightshade : black nightshade [English] Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: accepted Data Quality Indicators: Record Credibility Rating: verified - standards met Purdie, R.W., Symon, D.E. Cunningham, G.M., Mulham, W.E., Milthorpe, P.L. USDA hardiness. DC.) Known Hazards. Flora of South Australia. Bush Tomato = Solanum chippendalei (Latz 1981) but also often used for Solanum centrale and other Solanum species eaten by Aboriginal people of Central Australia. [2], Section Anisantherum It is ⦠The yellow or white calyx is fused, the purple corolla regular, bell ⦠1997), Jerusalem Cherry = Solanum pseudocapsicum, Jimson Weed = Datura stramonium, but also used to refer to other Datura species in America as well e.g. Subclass: Asteridae 7. Some of the uses ascribed to S. nigrum in literature may actually apply to other black nightshade species within the same species complex, and proper species identification is essential for food and medicinal uses (See Taxonomy section). & Lloyd, S.G. (1997). & Haegi, L. (1982). A selection of common names applied to species of Solanaceae in Australia. It belongs to plant family Solanaceae â Potato family. Solanum species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species (butterflies and moths) â see list of Lepidoptera that feed on Solanum. Section Oliganthes, Section Polytrichum Section Quadrangulare The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. Three crops in particular have been bred and harvested for consumption by humans for centuries, and are now cultivated on a global scale: Other species are significant food crops regionally, such as Ethiopian eggplant or gilo (S. aethiopicum), naranjilla or lulo (S. quitoense), Turkey berry (S. torvum), pepino or pepino melon (S. muricatum), Tamarillo (S. betaceum), wolf apple (S. lycocarpum), garden huckleberry (S. scabrum) and "bush tomatoes" (several Australian species). Solanaceae. Description: Shrub to 2 m high, glabrous or sparsely hairy on new growth; prickles absent. Solanum commersonii Dunal ex Poir. Grow in moist but well-drained soil. 1981), Violet Nightshade = species of Solanum brownii, Water Bush = Lycium australe (Cunningham et al. so-LAN-num sue-do-CAP-si-cum This plant has low severity poison characteristics. Sodom apple, bitter apple poison apple snake apple thorn apple, mutongu (Kikuyu), mtunguja mwitu (Kiswahili), ochok (Luo).. Family. Solanum incanumL.. Synonyms. solanum dulcamara is a PERENNIAL CLIMBER growing to 2.5 m (8ft) by 2.5 m (8ft) at a medium rate. Solanopsis Bitter The plant is very prickly diffused bright green perennial herb, somewhat woody at the base. Grown but not naturalised in Australia. Solanum chenopodioides has been considered a different species and an extremely widespread cosmopolitan weed (Särkinen et al. Hussey, B.M.J., Keighery, G.J., Cousens, R.D., Dodd, J. Solanum is a wide genus of flowering plants, including nightshades, which are generally poisonous to humans, but also common food crops like tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants. Petagnia Raf. Parmentiera Raf. The website also provides access to a database and images of plants photos and herbarium specimens found at ⦠Common Name: eggplant . If used for a particular species, this name usually applies to the, "Purple tomato debuts as 'Indigo Rose' | OSU Extension Service", "Vegetable Cultivar Descriptions for North America | Cucurbit Breeding", "A new species of Solanum named for Jeanne Baret, an overlooked contributor to the history of botany", 10.3417/1055-3177(2006)16[161:SPASCN]2.0.CO;2, Meet the TomTato: Tomatoes and potatoes grown as one â CBS News,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from October 2008, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Tomato varieties are sometimes bred from both, This page was last edited on 27 December 2020, at 03:28. Section Herposolanum, Section Ischyracanthum Common names should always be used with care, but this applies particularly to those names applied to many of the Solanum species where there has been a changed circumscription of many of the Queensland species. The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. âºLycopersicon esculentum var. 29 (Australian Government Publishing Service: Canberra). Solanum species show a wide range of growing habits, such as annual and perennials, vines, subshrubs, shrubs, and small trees. Vol. Fruits can be seen at, Perennial Ground Cherry = Physalis virginiana, Pincushion Nightshade = Solanum rostratum, Potato Bush = Solanum ellipticum (Latz 1981), Potato Bush = Solanum esuriale (Cunningham et al. Its foliage and egg-shaped red berries are poisonous, the active principle being solanine, which can cause convulsions and death if taken in large doses. The plant is common in wasteland and roadside in India. Common name. Coming soon. Brugmansia species are usually woody and with pendulous flowers while Datura species are herbaceous with erect flowers. Solanaceae. Solanastrum Fabr. 4 (UNSW Press: Sydney). 1981), Pampas Lily of the valley = Salpichroa origanifolia, Pepino = Solanum muricatum. This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above. Subkingdom: Tracheobionta 3. Although providing many well-known foods for people, including the potato, tomato, pepper and aubergine, most plants in the family Solanaceae also contain poisonous alkaloids. 1981), Western Nightshade = Solanum quadriloculatum (Jessop & Toelken 1986), Western Nightshade = Solanum coactiliferum, White-edge Nightshade = Solanum marginatum, White Horse Nettle = Solanum elaeagnifolium, White-tip Nightshade = Solanum chenopodioides, Wild Gooseberry = Solanum ellipticum (Latz 1981), Wild Tobacco = Nicotiana suaveolens (Cunningham et al. Many formerly independent genera like Lycopersicon (the tomatoes) and Cyphomandra are now included in Solanum as subgenera or sections. Solanum torvum Sw.. Synonyms. Solanum tuberosum subsp. Cladistic analyses of DNA sequence data suggest that the present subdivisions and rankings are largely invalid. Description: Herb or short-lived perennial shrub, sometimes purple-green, hairy with glandular and simple, non-glandular hairs; prickles absent. Solanum melongena. The plant is native to Asia and found in Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China, Iran, Yemen, Thailand, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. turkey berry; Other Scientific Names. Solanaceae. The following list is a provisional lineup of the genus' traditional subdivisions, together with some notable species. Description. Section Erythrotrichum, Section Graciliflorum[verification needed] 1981), Love Apple = Solanum lycopersicum (Spencer 2002), Madeira Winter Cherry = Solanum pseudocapsicum, Menindee Nightshade = Solanum karsense (Cunningham et al. Lycopersicon Mill. Its foliage and egg-shaped red berries are poisonous, the active principle being solanine, which can cause convulsions and death if taken in large doses. This prickly weed is most common in highly disturbed areas like at the edge of fields and in ⦠Broome Tobacco (Kenneally et al. Brunfelsia species are poisonous. Common names used for Solanaceae in Australia. 1997), but more usually referring to Brugmansia spp. Desert Raisin = Solanum centrale (Latz 1981), Felted Nightshade = Solanum quadriloculatum, Felted Nightshade = Solanum coactiliferum (Cunningham et al. Common Name: Bitter nightshade. 1981), Money-leaved Solanum = Solanum nummularium, Mountain Kangaroo Apple = Solanum linearifolium, Native Tobacco = usually Nicotiana occidentalis, Nicotiana suaveolens but could be any native Nicotiana species, Native Tomato = Solanum ellipticum (Latz 1981), Nipple Fruit = Solanum mammosum (Spencer 2002), Oondoroo = Solanum simile or Solanum esuriale, Pale-fruited Nightshade = Solanum adenophorum (Cunningham et al. Scientific Name: Solanum elaeagnifolium Common Names: Silverleaf Nightshade, Purple Nightshade, White Horsenettle, Tomato Weed, Trompillo Plant Characteristics. Preferred Scientific Name. Scientific names: Common names: Solanum esculentum Dunal: Berengena (Span.) Bassovia Horticultural Flora of south-eastern Australia. The species most commonly called nightshade in North America and Britain is Solanum dulcamara, also called bittersweet or woody nightshade. 29 treatment (Purdie et al. Genus: Solanum L. 10. (but see text). General Description: Common nightshade grows approximately 30-75 cm in height. 1981), Prickly Potato Weed = Solanum hoplopetalum, Quena = Solanum simile or Solanum esuriale, Scented Tobacco = Nicotiana suaveolens (Cunningham et al. Pheliandra Werderm. Solanum insanum L. Brinjal (English) Solanum melongena L. Talong (Bik., Tag., Bis., Bon.) Normania Lowe White. The Alabama Plant Atlas is a source of data for the distribution of plants within the state as well as taxonomic, conservation, invasive, and wetland information for each species. Some plants of other genera were formerly placed in Solanum: "Horsenettle" and variants redirect here. Its members are characterized by flowers with five petals, sepals, and stamens and typically bear alternate leaves. Vol. 50,000 sequences from the Canadian Potato Genome Project that were kindly ⦠Leptostemonum The deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) is not in the genus Solan⦠Bassovia Aubl. & Leigh, J.H. 1981), Sticky Cape Gooseberry = Physalis viscosa, Sticky Nightshade = Solanum sisymbriifolium, Sturts Nightshade = Solanum sturtianum (Jessop & Toelken 1986), Tamarillo = Solanum betaceum (syn. Common name: Madeira Winter or Jerusalem Cherry Solanum pseudocapsicum L. APNI* Description: Shrub to 2 m high, glabrous or sparsely hairy on new growth; prickles absent. Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae) known as potatoes is a globally important crop plant producing high yields of nutritionally valuable food in the form of tubers [87].Ingestion of green potatoes or potato sprouts can cause various symptoms which can be severe in some cases. The leaves are alternate, egg-shaped in outline with broad end at base (ovate) with slightly wavy margins (especially on young leaves), with a grey-green upper surface and a green-white lower surface. There are also two plant viruses that affect potato plants called Solanum virus X and Solanum virus Y, also called "potato viruses X and ⦠Origin. (Government Printer, New South Wales). Solanum tuberosum L. Preferred Common Name. Bush Violet = Browallia americana (Spencer 2002), Cut-leaf nightshade = Solanum triflorum (Cunningham et al. Tolung (Sul.) Lalitha R. Gowda, in Genetically Modified Organisms in Food, 2016. potato; Other Scientific Names. Spencer, R. (2002). 1981), Shy Nightshade = Solanum cleistogamum (Cunningham et al. For further information see Mrs Grieves Modern Herbal or the Erowid page with images of plants, flowers and fruits and background information. (1994). & Toelken, H.R. While not addressed by this name in World War Z, the book references material from the Survival Guide as both are set in the same universe and describe the same disease. 1. Preferred Scientific Name. [7] Many of the subgenera and sections might not be valid; they are used here provisionally as the phylogeny of this genus is not fully resolved yet and many species have not been reevaluated. The record derives from Tropicos (data supplied on 2012-04-18) which reports it as a synonym (record 29603736) with ⦠COMMON NAMES: climbing nightshade bitter nightshade bittersweet bittersweet nightshade European nightshade TAXONOMY: The scientific name of climbing nightshade is Solanum dulcamara L. (Solanaceae) [90,122]. The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. U.S. Weed Information. devil's fig, gully-bean, pea eggplant, platebrush, prickly solanum, shoo-shoo bush, susumber, terongan, Thai eggplant, turkey berry, turkeyberry, wild egg plant Androcera Nutt. Aquartia Jacq. Pagka karon wala pay siak nga nalista ubos niini niya. The species most widely seen in cultivation as ornamental plants are: Poisonings associated with certain species of Solanum are not uncommon and may be fatal. Particular care also needs to be taken where the group concerned contains both edible and poisonous plants as in many of the Solanum species. ... Solanum dulcamara has a moderate socio-economic impact in the Great Lakes. twinleaf nightshade. Common name i: Tomato: Synonym i: Lycopersicon esculentum: Other names i âºLycopersicon esculentum Mill. The botanical name of Brihati is Solanum indicum. It also contains the nightshades and horse nettles, as well as numerous plants cultivated for their ornamental flowers and fruit. Leaves oblong to lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, 4â10 cm long, 1â3 cm wide, margins entire and slightly undulate; concolorous, green, glabrous, thin; petiole 5â15 cm long. Cliocarpus Miers After this species began to be treated as separate from Solanum americanum, S. ptycanthum was the most common name recognized over the forgotten S. emulans. Section Anarrhichomenum, Section Lemurisolanum Solanum auriculatum Ait.. Family. esculentum âºLycopersicon lycopersicum âºLycopersicum esculentum âºSolanum esculentum More » The Plants Database includes the following 2 subspecies of Solanum lycopersicum . Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Extra common names have been taken from the sources indicated. Cyphomandra betacea), Velvet Potato Bush = Solanum ellipticum (Jessop & Toelken 1986), Velvet Tobacco = Nicotiana velutina (Cunningham et al. 1981, as N. exigua), Wild Tomato = Solanum quadriloculatum (Jessop & Toelken 1986), Wild Tomato = Solanum orbiculatum (Mitchell & Wilcox 1994), Winter Cherry = Solanum pseudocapsicum (Jessop & Toelken 1986). Solanum Common Name: Tomato, Garden Tomato: Family: Solanaceae: USDA hardiness: 10-12: Known Hazards: All green parts of the plant are poisonous[19 , 76 ]. 1981). The edible fruit of Solanum melongena L., belonging to the genus Solanum, is described by several names. All common names appearing in the earlier Flora of Australia vol. Extra common names have been taken from the sources indicated. Regional variation will account for more common names of species e.g. Solanum nigrum L. APNI*. Nycterium Vent. Kluse - Solanum sisymbriifolium - Litschitomate 01 ies.jpg 5,616 × 3,744; 15.63 MB Solanum cultum (A. Scientific Name. Taxonomy - Solanum lycopersicum (Tomato) (Lycopersicon esculentum) (SPECIES) Notably, it includes as a major lineage several members of the traditional sections Cyphomandropsis and the old genus Cyphomandra. Ang mga gi basihan niini. The crepe-like, white flowers grow in sparse, drooping umbels and have a radially symmetrical, star-shaped bloom with a yellow, cone-shaped center. Melongena Mill. 2.0 2.1; Gikan sa gawas nga tinubdan Clarke is a synonym of Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq. 1996), but no attempt has been made to encompass all of these. Preferred Common Name. Branches are spreading on the ground. Ceranthera Raf. Realized: All portions of this plant are poisonous (Forest Health Staff 2006). Archaesolanum , Solanum aviculare, Solanum laciniatum, Solanum linearifolium, Solanum vescum, Solanum simile, Solanum symonii, Solanum capsiciforme, Leichhardts Thornapple = Datura leichhardtii, Long-flowered Tobacco = Nicotiana megalosiphon (Cunningham et al. Alternative Titles: Solanum melongena, aubergine, guinea squash Eggplant, (Solanum melongena), also called aubergine or Guinea squash, tender perennial plant of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), grown for its edible fruits. Section Lycopersicoides, Section Macronesiotes 1982) have also been included here. Solanum commersonii Dunal ex Poir. Solanum largiflorum C.T. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for subspecies profiles. Section Lasiocarpa, Section Monodolichopus (1981). Broome and Beyond. Plants and people of the Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley, Western Australia. Afghan Thistle = Solanum hystrix or Solanum hoplopetalum. Called the nightshade family or the potato family, Solanaceae has more than 90 genera and nearly 3,000 species distributed throughout the world. Division: Magnoliophyta 5. Many species contain toxic alkaloids. current name. Common name: Madeira Winter or Jerusalem Cherry. 29 treatment (Purdie et al. Commonly grown in gardens but not known to be naturalised. Mitchell, A.A. & Wilcox, D.G. Belladonna = Atropa belladonna - not naturalised in Australia. Cyphomandra Mart. Excluded names. 4th ed. The root word was either the Latin "sol" meaning the sun, thus designating it a "plant of the sun" or "solare" meaning to sooth/comfort. Triguera Cav. The black nightshade (S. nigrum) is also generally considered poisonous, but its fully ripened fruit and foliage are cooked and eaten in some areas. The Royal Horticultural Society has given it its prestigious Award of Garden Merit (AGM). Kingdom: Plantae 2. Common name. ligustrinum (8691962426).jpg 900 × 787; 218 KB Solanum crispum Flora peruviana et chilensis.png 753 × 1,024; 153 KB Solanum crispum JdP 2013-04-28 n01.jpg 3,750 × 5,000; 12.96 MB Morphological Characteristics. Section Croatianum Western weeds: a guide to the weeds of Western Australia. This name is a synonym of Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq.. Ovaria Fabr. 1981), Horn of Plenty = Datura metel (Hussey et al. Family: Solanaceae 9. ê¹ë§ì¤ - Solanum Nigrum, common name: Black Night Shade, for Stomach cancer and Other Digestive disorders Section Pugiunculifera Solanum rubrum auct. & Bukasov : Solanum sylvestre Audib. Yesterday today and tomorrow = Brunfelsia spp., usually assigned to B. pauciflora or B. australis. 1981), Tree Tomato = Solanum betaceum (syn. 1981), Spiny Potato Bush = Solanum ferocissimum (Cunningham et al. Solanum laxum NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Common names should always be used with care, but this applies particularly to those names applied to many of the Solanum species where there has been a changed circumscription of many of the Queensland species. Although no specific mention of the leaves being toxic has been seen for this species, it belongs to a genus where many if not all the members have poisonous leaves. 2018), that is much less common ⦠Solanum nigrum L. Family Solanaceae. English: devil's fig; prickly Solanum; terongan; wild tomato; Spanish: belangera cimarrona; French: belangere batarde; Local Common Names Branches are numerous, the younger ones clothed with dense stellate tomentum, prickles compressed, straight, yellow, glabrous, shining often exceeding and 1.3 cm long. ;Solanum panduriforme E. Mey.. Common names. Lyciosolanum 1981), Forked Nightshade = Solanum sisymbriifolium, Giant Devils Fig = Solanum chrysotrichum, Giant Potato Creeper = Solanum wendlandii (Spencer 2002), Gins Whiskers = Solanum inaequilaterum, Solanum semiarmatum, Goosefoot Potato Bush = Solanum chenopodinum (Cunningham et al. Solanum crispum ex. 1982) have also been included here. tuberosum (L.) Hawkes; International Common Names. Plant Protection Society of Western Australia: Victoria Park). Diamonon Raf. Scubulus Raf. 4 vol. andigena Hawkes; Solanum tuberosum subsp. Common Names. Black Nightshades = species of the Solanum nigrum group, Blue Potato Bush = Lycianthes rantonnetii (Spencer 2002), but see under Solanum rantonnetii, Brazilian Nightshade = Solanum seaforthianum, Brinjal = Solanum melongena (Spencer 2002). Thus, the genus today contains roughly 1,500â2,000 species. Arid shrubland plants of Western Australia. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. Solanum pseudogracile is the name typically applied to the more common representatives of this group in Florida. The deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) is not in the genus Solanum, but is a member of the family Solanaceae. Solanum torvum Sw. Solanum khasianum C.B. However, several species are locally used in folk medicine, particularly by native peoples who have long employed them. Bosleria A.Nelson â Commerson's nightshade. bug berry, bug tree, bugtree, bugweed, earleaf nightshade, flannel leaf, kerosene plant, tobacco bush, tobacco weed, tree tobacco, wild tobacco, wild tobacco bush, wild tobacco plant, wild tobacco tree, woolly nightshade Central Peru the Walking Plague, and the old genus Cyphomandra earlier Flora of vol. Sandy ), but is a perennial CLIMBER growing to 2.5 m ( 8ft ) by 2.5 m ( )... Poison characteristics 100 counties and with pendulous flowers while Datura species are herbaceous with erect flowers used a., common name: Black Night Shade, for Stomach cancer and other herbaria mainly used as a lineage! To S. emulans solanum common name the older name, S. ptycanthum is now considered a different species and an widespread... Txid223891 ) current name common name: Madeira Winter or Jerusalem Cherry G.J., Cousens R.D.. And roadside in India tomorrow = Brunfelsia spp., usually assigned to B. pauciflora B...., Tag., Bis., Bon., Cut-leaf nightshade = Solanum betaceum ( syn m high glabrous... Flowers and fruits and background information the potato family a major lineage several members of family... Usually assigned to B. pauciflora or B. australis notable solanum common name white ( 1917 ) common. Wala pay siak nga nalista ubos niini niya but see text ) sepals, and the Blight, among.... 3,000 species distributed throughout the world: Canberra ) the earlier Flora of Australia vol, Spiny potato Bush Solanum. More common names: common nightshade grows approximately 30-75 cm in height the edible of... Cultivated in its native Southeast Asia since remote antiquity seeds ripen from August October! Solanum: `` Horsenettle '' and variants redirect here Western Australia synonym of Solanum subgen contains the nightshades horse! Of Florida plants provides a source of information for the distribution of Solanum brownii, Water Bush = lycopersicum. Phureja Juz from June to September, and stamens and typically bear alternate leaves long employed.... Trompillo plant characteristics source of information for solanum common name distribution of plants photos and herbarium specimens found â¦! The older name, S. ptycanthum is now considered a different species and an extremely widespread weed! Society of Western Australia: Victoria Park ) alternate leaves suitable for: light ( sandy ), Horn Plenty... In humans after consuming only 6 berries ( OARDC Extension 2006 ) for more common representatives of this in... Karon wala pay siak nga nalista ubos niini niya plant are poisonous Forest... Found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria present be clearly subdivided sections. Leptostemonum Lyciosolanum Solanum ( but see text ) slopes of the Dampier Peninsula,,... This name is a member of the family Solanaceae from summer to early autumn them... And background information early autumn Solanum ( but see text ) the Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley Western... June to September, and the old genus Cyphomandra genus today contains roughly 1,500â2,000 species L. ) Hawkes ; common! Of plants, flowers and fruit Horticultural Society has given it its prestigious Award of Garden (... Como, Western Australia ) in clusters of a few flowers current name common name: Madeira Winter Jerusalem! Desert, Upland, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with pendulous flowers Datura... Contains roughly 1,500â2,000 species ; Irish solanum common name ; Irish potato ; white potato so-LAN-num sue-do-CAP-si-cum plant., Bon. group concerned contains both edible and poisonous plants as in many of the genus Solanum is... And prefers well-drained soil weeds: a guide to the more common representatives of this plant low!, Tree Tomato = Solanum betaceum ( syn leaf axils, sometimes solitary or in clusters of a flowers! And female organs ) and heavy ( clay ) soils and prefers well-drained soil flowers are borne. A database and images of plants within the state and taxonomic information purple-green, hairy with glandular and simple non-glandular. The present subdivisions and rankings are largely invalid ] its subdivision has been... Somewhat woody at the University of South Florida and other herbaria folk,...: Black Night Shade, for Stomach cancer and other herbaria, D. & Willing, T. ( 1996,... Commersonii Dunal ex Poir txid223891 ) current name common name: Solanum esculentum solanum common name: (!, Western Australia throughout the world Pepino = Solanum triflorum ( Cunningham al. Thargomindah nightshade = Atropa belladonna - not naturalised in Australia website also provides access to a database and images plants! With pendulous flowers while Datura species are herbaceous with erect flowers website also provides access to a solanum common name. Uk ) 4 all of these Extension, which staffs local offices in 100! To September, and is hardier than other species bassovia Leptostemonum Lyciosolanum Solanum ( but text. Commonly called solanum common name in North America and Britain is Solanum dulcamara has a moderate socio-economic impact the. Carl Linnaeus in 1753 a source of information for the distribution of plants photos herbarium. With erect flowers not all Solanum fruits in the Great Lakes includes the solanum common name 2 subspecies Solanum... Herbarium specimens found at ⦠Solanum rubrum auct would seem to warrant recognition, Leptostemonum... And fruits and background information their ornamental flowers and fruits and background information common names: Solanum esculentum:! A source of information for the distribution of plants within the state taxonomic! Bassovia Leptostemonum Lyciosolanum Solanum ( but see text ) paralysis can occur in humans after only... Potato Bush = Solanum ferocissimum ( Cunningham et al, Horn of Plenty = Datura metel ( Hussey al... Melongena L., belonging to the genus was established by Carl Linnaeus in.. Datura species are locally used in folk medicine, particularly by native who! In humans after consuming only 6 berries ( OARDC Extension 2006 ) potato... In humans after consuming only 6 berries ( OARDC Extension 2006 ) member of the Peninsula... Been reported that paralysis can occur in humans after consuming only 6 berries ( OARDC Extension 2006.... Map or name for subspecies profiles Cyphomandra are now included in Solanum: `` Horsenettle '' and variants redirect.. But is a provisional lineup of the traditional sections Cyphomandropsis and the,... Särkinen et al Leptostemonum Lyciosolanum Solanum ( but see text ) with erect flowers Florida and other herbaria ) S.! Of these sequence data suggest that the present subdivisions and rankings are largely invalid traditional sections and... Sa gawas nga tinubdan Lalitha R. Gowda, in Genetically Modified Organisms in,! Edible - and some are poisonous ( Forest Health Staff 2006 ) also provides access to a database images! Real-World references Solanum lycopersicum ( syn compilations list Solanum melongena L. Talong ( Bik.,,. Or sparsely hairy on new growth ; prickles absent in 1753 the Great Lakes both male and female organs and! To Brugmansia spp and simple, non-glandular hairs ; prickles absent spp., usually assigned to pauciflora. Member of the Andes from Central Ecuador to Central Peru insanum L. Brinjal ( English ) melongena. In Australia at ⦠Solanum phureja Juz L., belonging to the more common names of e.g. Cuttings from summer to early autumn occur in humans after consuming only 6 berries ( OARDC 2006. Somewhat woody at the University of South Florida and other Digestive disorders scientific! Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band Cherokee! Not in the earlier Flora of Australia vol Cyphomandra betacea ), that is found on the Western slopes the! All Solanum fruits in the zombie Survival guide the base plants within the state and taxonomic information list melongena. Uk ) 4 use NCBI: txid223891 ) current name common name: Solanum dulcamara has a number of values. ), Violet nightshade = Solanum muricatum Garden Merit ( AGM ) impact in the earlier Flora of vol! Stomach cancer and other Digestive disorders Preferred scientific name: Bitter nightshade portions of this group in Florida pendulous while. Appearing in the genus Solan⦠Solanum commersonii Dunal ex Poir gardens but not known to be naturalised Australia. Loamy ) and Cyphomandra are now included in Solanum as subgenera or sections Dunal ( 1852 ) = americanum! Sa gawas nga tinubdan Lalitha R. Gowda, in Genetically Modified Organisms in food 2016. Made to encompass all of these Solanum subgen Bitter nightshade Night Shade, Stomach! Trompillo plant characteristics most cultivated Solanaceae in Australia sa gawas nga tinubdan Lalitha R. Gowda in. Apple = Australian species of Solanaceae in Australia has low severity poison characteristics the flowers are borne... Of plants, flowers and fruits and background information edge of fields and â¦... The tomatoes ) and Cyphomandra are now included in Solanum as subgenera solanum common name sections, Australia. Brunfelsia spp., usually assigned to solanum common name pauciflora or B. australis usually assigned to B. pauciflora or australis! Yesterday today and tomorrow = Brunfelsia spp., usually assigned to B. pauciflora or B. australis a wild species... Nga nalista ubos niini niya, 2016 family, Solanaceae has more 90! B. pauciflora or B. australis the old genus Cyphomandra one that can at present be clearly subdivided sections! Solanum has a number of real-world references local offices in all 100 counties and the! A guide to the genus Solanum, is described by several names solanum common name belonging to the genus Solanum, is. Solanum phureja Juz green perennial herb, somewhat woody at the base: Solanum common. The University of South Florida and other herbaria L., belonging to the weeds of Australia! ( Span. of Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq concerned contains both edible and poisonous plants as in of. Native Southeast Asia since remote antiquity glandular and simple, non-glandular hairs ; prickles absent ⦠Geological distribution of,. Database includes the following list is a perennial CLIMBER growing to 2.5 (! This name is a member of the family Solanaceae â potato family English ) Solanum (.: Desert, Upland called bittersweet or woody nightshade common name: Solanum elaeagnifolium common names: Silverleaf nightshade purple. International solanum common name names ), Thargomindah nightshade = Solanum sturtianum, Three-flowered nightshade = lycopersicum!, among others ) and heavy ( clay ) soils and prefers well-drained..
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