or stand in the way that sinners take. who does not walk in step with the wicked. Whatever he does prospers. Why? 1 1 How well God must like you - you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. We’re his people, his well-tended sheep. Originally published by NavPress in English as THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language copyright 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Take notes, highlights, and favorites to share or document personal thoughts. Psalm 1 The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked 1 How well God must like you - you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. Scripture Formatting. 1 1 How well God must like you - you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. Psalm 1 1 How well God must like you— you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. Psalm 1 – The Way of the Righteous and the Way of the Ungodly. 3 You're a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a … Blessed is the one. 1 How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. Psalm 1 1 How well God must like you - you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. But let’s first note how the author develops this because it is so instructive and is a warning in itself. A Thanksgiving Psalm On your feet now—applaud GOD! Psalm 1:1-3 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful… Psalm 1:4-6 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away… A. Psalm 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Psalm 1, The Message (MSG) How well God must like you—you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon,you don’t slink along Dead-End Road,you don’t go … Extra Small Small Medium Large Additional Settings . Verse six presents a key to understanding Psalm 1: “For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish.” In this psalm, the way of the righteous and the way of the ungodly are contrasted. 3 That person is like a tree k planted by streams l of water, m. which yields its fruit n in season One verse per line Red Letter Cross References Footnotes Strongs Numbers Hide Verse Numbers Close. Psalm 1 English Standard Version: Par The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked. @dayday Posts: 4,553 Psalm 1 in the message bible Nov 16, 2020 14:43:48 GMT via mobile The Herald Erjen likes this. Psalm 1 is about the blessings of the righteous. 3 You're a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a … A. Psalm 91 The Message Bible ... 91 1 You who sit down in the High God's presence, spend the night in Shaddai's shadow, 2 Say this: "God, you're my refuge. 1 1 How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. We could talk about the underlying or implied situation that called for the writing of this psalm. The New International Version (NIV), The American Standard Version (ASV), The New Living Translation (NLT), The King James Version (KJV), The Contemporary English Version (CEV), The Message (MSG), and The Harper Collins Study Bible, New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). With the Coronavirus sweeping across almost all borders, fear and anxiety has gripped hearts around the world. This psalm has a good deal in common with Proverbs 2:12-15, 20-22 and Jeremiah 17:5-13, both of which contrast the The holiness and happiness of a godly man. Facebook; Twitter; Tumblr; LinkedIn; MySpace; Email; Go to. Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence. Read verse in The Message Bible In Jeremiah 17:7-8 the words of the prophet very clearly reflect a familiarity with Psalm 1. In Psalm 1 we have described for us in a nutshell, all we have to do to receive blessings from God: "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. NIV 1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, MSG 2 Instead you thrill to God's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. Worship him. The next step is to choose a monthly or yearly subscription, and then enter your payment information. Instead you thrill to God's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. Let me merely mention several passages for you to consider in connection with your study of Psalm 1. We’re his people, his well-tended sheep. A David Psalm. hear me! And what is that true state? (4-6) Commentary on Psalm 1:1-3 (Read Psalm 1:1-3) To meditate in God's word, is to discourse with ourselves concerning the great things contained in it, with close application of mind and fixedness of thought. These things are all temporary. How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to S 1 How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. Know this: GOD is God, and God, GOD. Psalm 1:1 MSG How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. But some look for it in all the wrong places and in all the wrong things. 2 Instead you thrill to God's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. The Title: The Book Of Psalms: The Psalms - Their Variety And Value . 1 How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. Psalm 1 Commentary: (See the type of psalm Psalm 1 is at our Psalm 1 Genre article.). To manage your subscription, visit your Bible Gateway account settings. 91 1 You who sit down in the High God's presence, spend the night in Shaddai's shadow, 2 Say this: "God, you're my refuge. Once, in a tight place, you gave me room; Now I’m in trouble again: grace me! 3 That's right - he rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. Instead you thrill to GOD’s Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. He made us; we didn’t make him. Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson, The Message (MSG). To subscribe at our regular subscription rate, click the button below. Psalm 1:1 How well God must like you - you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. Enter with the password: “Thank you!” Make yourselves at home, talking praise. I trust in you and I'm safe!" Worship him. Psalm Chapter 1. How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. 1. A Thanksgiving Psalm On your feet now—applaud GOD! Notes on Psalm 91: This Psalm of 16 verses can be broken down into two sections, the first being verses 1-8, and the second being verses 9-16. Psalm 1 is the first psalm of the Book of Psalms, beginning in the English King James Version: "Blessed is the man".The Book of Psalms is part of the third section of the Hebrew Bible, and a book of the Christian Old Testament.In Latin, this psalm is known as Beatus vir or Beatus vir, qui non abiit.. A. Psalm 1 1 How well God must like you - you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. What are the benefits of creating an account? 2 Instead you thrill … I’m thirsty for God-alive. Advance your knowledge of Scripture with this resource library of over 40 reference books, including commentaries and Study Bible notes. The Psalm begins with the phrase, “Blessed is the man” or “Happy is the man.” We all want happiness. Negatively: Things to Avoid (1:1) There are three things the man who is blessed must avoid. Quote. Verse six presents a key to understanding Psalm 1: “For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish.” In this psalm, the way of the righteous and the way of the ungodly are contrasted. 1 How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. You’ve already claimed your free trial of Bible Gateway Plus. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf … 2-3 Instead you thrill to God’s Word, you chew on Scripture day and night.You’re a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month,Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom. 2 Instead you thrill to God 's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. ... (avoid sinners) how can I carry the message of Christ to the lost? This is the message of this Psalm. BLESSED IS … The Message; Psalm 1 Psalm 1. hear me! The Message Bible--soft leather-look, sky blue, The Message Deluxe Gift Bible, Black/Slate Leather-Look. I came across Psalm 82, in The Passion translation of the Bible. Try it for 30 days FREE. or stand in the way that sinners take. Share Thread. Instead you thrill to God's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. 1 How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. Looking for a fundamental understanding of the Bible? The 16 th Sunday after Pentecost is the only instance of Psalm 116:1-9 as a Sunday reading in the Lectionary that provides opportunities to use most of its second half (vv. Once, in a tight place, you gave me room; Now I’m in trouble again: grace me! 2 Instead you thrill to God's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. (NIV) The way of the righteous is depicted in verses 1-3, in terms of what it prohibits (v. 1), what it promotes (v. 2), and what it promises (v. 3). A psalm of the sons of Korah A white-tailed deer drinks from the creek; I want to drink God, deep draughts of God. An integrated digital Bible study library - including complete notes from the Believer's Bible Commentary and the Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible (NIV and NRSV) - is just a step away! (1-3) The sinfulness and misery of a wicked man, The ground and reason of both. Let’s look at the first section. 1 How well God must like you— you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. In times of crisis however, the children of God, as it has happened right through history, can find encouragement and comfort through the … 2 Instead you thrill to God's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. Numbers 34:12 (Read all of Numbers 34) The border then follows the Jordan River and ends at the Dead Sea. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season . The first two verses of both segments (verses 1-2 and 9-10), carry very similar thoughts, reminding us, and reiterating, that God’s protection rests on His children. 1 When I call, give me answers. Psalm 1 in the message bible . Psalm 1. Psalm 1:1-3 The Message Bible << Job 42 | Psalm 1 | Psalm 2 >> The Righteous and the Ungodly. How long will you lust after lies? Psalm 1 is a very short chapter, which will be good on a child’s attention span. The way of the righteous. 1 How well God must like you— you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. Psalm 1 – The Way of the Righteous and the Way of the Ungodly. Starting your free trial of Bible Gateway Plus is easy. The way of the righteous. Who got picked by God! 4-5 You’re not at all like the wicked, who are mere windblown dust—Without defense in court, unfit company for innocent people. Now, what are those things? You’re a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom. 3 Look at this: look. The psalm is a regular part of Jewish, Catholic, Anglican, and Protestant liturgies. 2 Instead you thrill to God 's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. Read verse in The Message Bible 1 How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. This psalm has a good deal in common with Proverbs 2:12-15, 20-22 and Jeremiah 17:5-13, both of which contrast the blessed condition of the righteous with the wretched condition of the unrighteous. Upgrade to the best Bible Gateway experience! Excerpt from Term Paper : Psalm 1 read in different translations. Psalm 1:1-6 MSG. Psalm 91 The Message Bible << Psalm 90 | Psalm 91 | Psalm 92 >> Abiding in the Shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 1 audio bible Published by permission. 3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. 6 God charts the road you take.The road they take is Skid Row. 10-17) which are read on Maundy Thursday and Eastertide for Year A.. Because here is the root, everything else is the fruit, i.e., the result of one living close to God by living in His eternal, infallible, sure, true and tried Word. I trust in you and I'm safe!" Psalm 1 - NIV: Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. Psalm 74:1 (The Message Bible) Numbers 34:11 (Read all of Numbers 34) The border goes south from Shepham to Riblah to the east of Ain, and continues along the slopes east of the Sea of Galilee. 1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. 3 You're a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom. 1 Blessed is the one. NIV and The Message Side-by-Side Bible, Two Bible Versions Together for Study and Comparison, Bonded Leather, Black, Large Print, NIV & The Message Parallel Study Bible, Personal Size, Orchid/Raspberry. No one seems safe anymore and everyone is searching for methods of protection. Psalm 1 is an introductory Psalm, a kind of gateway to the rest, where all kinds of qualities are mentioned. Instead you thrill to GOD’s Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. (1) What the righteous man does not do. I wonder, “Will I ever make it— arrive and drink in God’s presence?” I’m on a diet of tears— tears for breakfast, tears for supper. Learn more. Upgrade, and get the most out of your new account. 1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. Begin reading God's Word ad-free with instant access to your new online study library. 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 Eugene H. Peterson by NavPress Publishing. He made us; we didn’t make him. God, take my side! Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson, You'll get this book and many others when you join Bible Gateway Plus. Psalm 1 The Message Bible << Job 42 | Psalm 1 | Psalm 2 >> The Righteous and the Ungodly. 2 You rabble—how long do I put up with your scorn? If you make this selection the basis of your message, it will be tempting to dip into verses 10-19 for homiletical insight. 1 How well God must like you— you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. The psalm is a regular part of Jewish, Catholic, Anglican, and Protestant liturgies. Read verse in The Message Bible How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. 2 Instead you thrill to God's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. Psalm 1:1 MSG How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. As we have seen, the message of Psalm 1 is not a new one. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. Font Size. 2-3 Instead you thrill to God’s Word, you chew on Scripture day and night.You’re a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month,Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom. All day long people knock at my door, Pestering, “Where is this God of yours?” Psalm 1 Commentary: Why it was Written. 1 1 How well God must like you - you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. Some look for it in jobs, money, new homes and cars, sex, alcohol, and even drugs. Enter with the password: “Thank you!” Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Create or log in to your Bible Gateway account. 2 Instead you thrill to God's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. MSG: The Message Thank him. “ “How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College.” Instead you … The Message Raspberry Blossom, Personal Size + Topical Concordance, The Message Gift and Award Bible, Imitation Leather, Coral, The Message Large-Print Devotional Bible, softcover, NIV and The Message Side-by-Side Bible, Two Bible Versions Together for Study and Comparison, Large Print. So, a message like we have in Psalm 1 is needed for us today. How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College. From the perspective of th… Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence. 2-3 Instead you thrill to GOD's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. God, take my side! 1 Blessed is the man a who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 2 but his delight is in the law b of the Lord, Creating an account allows you to access more features and content such as: Reading the Bible is rewarding, and these plans make it easy! 1 When I call, give me answers. 3 That's right - he rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. Psalm 1 How well God must like you - you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. Learn More About The Message How well God must like you— you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to S So, what is Psalm 1 talking about? … Psalm 1. Try it free for 30 days. Excerpt from Term Paper : Psalm 1 read in different translations. Psalm 1:3 You're a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom. Judgment for the wicked. Psalm 1 EXEGESIS: CONTEXT: This is a wisdom psalm, calling people to follow the path of righteousness to obtain the blessings that God confers on the righteous. The New International Version (NIV), The American Standard Version (ASV), The New Living Translation (NLT), The King James Version (KJV), The Contemporary English Version (CEV), The Message (MSG), and The Harper Collins Study Bible, New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). Psalm 91: A Message of Hope Introduction to Psalm 91. It looks like you’re already subscribed to Bible Gateway Plus! … Read verse in The Message Bible Blessing for the righteous. PSALM 1:1-3. Enter your credit card information to ensure uninterrupted service following your free trial. Thank him. ] Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Psalm 1 EXEGESIS: CONTEXT: This is a wisdom psalm, calling people to follow the path of righteousness to obtain the blessings that God confers on the righteous. 3 You're a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom. How well God must like you—you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon,you don’t slink along Dead-End Road,you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College.-3Instead you thrill to God’s Word,you or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. Psalm 1:1-6. He listens the split second I call to him. Psalm 1:1-6: True and False Friendship: R. Venting. MSG / Psalms / Psalm 1 / Psalm 1:3; Previous Book Previous Chapter Read the Full Chapter Next Chapter Next Book. You’re a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom. 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