Hurting someone's feelings should not be a criminal offence The idea that someone can call the police when their feelings have been hurt is immature – and Orwellian. The reasoning is, as long as no one is hurt or the result is good, little lies are fine. Synonyms for hurting someone's feelings include hurting, distressing, offending, outraging, upsetting, annoying, bothering, aggrieving, angering and displeasing. The Bible says, “Everyone who sins breaks the law…. Those who are insane can not hurt anyone else without hurting themselves. The Bible is very clear that lusting is a sin. If I say something that unintentionally hurts your feelings, it wouldn't be a sin. That is Love also. Hurting yourself is equally a great sin as you hurt others.Isn't the Divine power within you & the others. However, we shouldn’t go on with what we think to be a sin while looking forward to confession. But some, who are considerate to others feelings get hurt themselves when they hurt someone else. We are all connected by the One Great Spirit that we are all a part of. This is a tough one to accept, but no one really hurts our feelings. It is true that some sins bring about worse consequences than others. Obviously if there is malice on your part to the subject in question then this would be regarded as sinful provided there was no transgression on the part of the individual in question at first. And women with seductive confidence. Hurting someone is actually a sin but many a times we hurt others unknowingly. That’s why He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world, who by His death and resurrection overcame sin’s power over us. Yes, it is. We know the commandment about adultery. It is true that some sins bring about worse consequences than others. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath … Yes, hurting others is hurting self as well. For someone who has no concept of feelings, it can't be a sin, because there was never any intention. Don’t be deceived, but by faith turn to Christ for the forgiveness and new life you need. Romans 12:19 ESV / 1,771 helpful votes. You can offset those feelings by redirecting them to something that they do well. Hurt people have the emotional maturity of the age they received their (un-dealt with) hurt Hi fellow old people. Hurt people often carry around a suspicious spirit. Answer: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, I pray that you are well, insha’Allah. If I had done it on purpose, then it would definitely be a sin. But covetousness isn’t an outward action; it’s something that goes on only in our hearts and minds. It is a fact of life. In that case, it seems that the point in telling would be to make ourselves feel better, to relieve ourselves of a burden, without regard to … Hurt people have the emotional maturity of the age they received their (un-dealt with) hurt Synonyms for hurting someone's feelings include hurting, distressing, offending, outraging, upsetting, annoying, bothering, aggrieving, angering and displeasing. While some mistakes are in our control, others are not. 6. Talk with others that you trust about what you did and how you’re feeling after hurting someone. Filipinos, for SOME of you why do your people seemed to hate women with TONED BODY N' SHOWS SOME SKIN? While it is important to take responsibility for your actions, remember that no one is perfect. One of the easiest ways to hurt someone’s feelings, including your own, is to assume that another person should act a certain way. We let people hurt our feelings. What's something that makes you look smart in front of your pets? But on the emotional level, it gets difficult to judge the purpose or intent of another. Yes I believe it is. But this isn’t true of all the Ten Commandments. All sins are seen by God, and one day we will all be asked to answer for our actions (2 Corinthians 5:10). The Bible is very clear that lusting is a sin. Sorry this took a long time coming. I was told to tread softly. Nevertheless, hurting another’s feelings does not permit lying. They often continually hurt the ones they love and need the most with their self-destructive behavior. Local: 704-401-2432 A: You’re right, up to a point; anything we do that hurts others is a sin in God’s eyes. Sin is a big deal. Seek to make amends and ask for forgiveness. October 29, 2014 Hurt people often carry around a suspicious spirit. Good intentions reap the good they effect but not always, however sometimes because we are only human we may from time to time innocently tread on the toes of others so to speak and for that not necessarily be held accountable for our actions, but doing so must at some point effect communication between all parties involved so a peaceful settlement may thus be reached. Hurting someone is actually a sin but many a times we hurt others unknowingly. Our sins are like ink on a pure white sheet of paper—even a "tiny" sin is like a drop on that paper that sticks out to God. Join Our Free Dating and Take The Sin & Repentance Quiz ---Mackey on 7/31/06 Helpful Blog Vote (9) Some times it is best to be silent, however, the truth shall set us free! Repent from the sin, returning wholehearteldy to God and asking him to change the direction of our lives. Many use "you hurt my feelings" as way to take others emotionally hostage. And it is true that telling a white lie will not have the same serious effect as, say, murdering someone. If you believe in the concept of “Sin” then Yes, hurting someone’s feelings is filthy, even if the hurting was done with absolute innocence. Therearemanyreasonswhyyoumighthurtsomeoneyoulove.Maybeyouoffendedthem,saidsomethingthatm… If the sin was committed only in our heart, and the person would be truly dismayed and hurt by knowledge of it, then I would say no, do not tell them. No, one would not be considered a ‘liar’ for saying such a thing. Can You Hurt Someone Else’s Feelings? Instead, if someone yells at you, let them yell, it makes them happy! For example killing someone in self defense is not a sin. Wrong. ... but he said it’s common to want to not hurt someone’s feelings…but all lies come from FEAR he said. The last time, I wrote on what to do when someone hurts us and I was asked to write on us hurting God. Will Governments make life so hard that if we don't have the vaccine we can't live ? No matter how you sugarcoat sin, it's still sin. They may feel bad in response to you – the records they hold in their subconscious may prompt their brain to trigger their organs to produce chemicals that cause t he sensations of hurt, jealousy, anger, resentment and other negative emotions – but you cannot make them feel bad. Hurt people often alienate others and wonder why no one is there for them. Whatever we do alone will return back to us. Anger at sin committed against you can also strengthen you to finally stick to healthy boundaries that convey your worth in this relationship. That requires expressing anger appropriately—one of the great challenges of being a … Hurting another person is a sin, when you hurt another person you are hurting your self and so the Lord, because we are all children of the King,remember God tells us in the Scriptures, that what ever we do to another, we are doing it to Him also, and that His eyes are open and His heard is turning around looking at man and his doing on the earth. Finding Renewal This Fall: 5 Answers From Billy Graham, God’s Wrath and Atonement: Setting the Record Straight, Christ’s Blood Shed, God’s Wrath Absorbed, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201 Yes, hurting others in thought or deed is the essence of sin. Therefore, Christianity does not make light of sin. Include feelings toward others who have hurt you. All sins are seen by God, and one day we will all be asked to answer for our actions (2 Corinthians 5:10). In some situations you can help them find the silver lining in some disastrous situation. Wrong. Love does no harm to its neighbor. God made us in His image and likeness. It does not add insult to our injury. We know the commandment about adultery. By Billy Graham • Toll Free: 1-877-247-2426. Yet, if you allow codependency to continue because you don't want to "hurt " them, you actually hurt them more. The hurting that can make up for a sin is anything that degrades to cause someone to hurt himself or causes pain more so of a fatal act to injure someone physically. In all situations you can help them move from grief to healing. Home If an apology fails, find ways to heal your negative thoughts and emotions. (But) he appeared so that he might take away our sins” (1 John 3:4,5). Find more similar words at! 1. Hurting is not a sin but aviod doing that, just think how you would feel if someone else would hurt you in the same way and then decide if you should really hurt the preson. Physically, it is never something helpful to you, nor is just being mean. If you look at what is forbidden by the Ten Commandments, for example, you’ll discover that most things on the list deal with sins that hurt others — murder, lying, stealing, adultery, and so forth. 5. It’s the way we interpret a situation that results in our feelings being hurt or not. It also hurts sometimes when you keep silent and ignore to do what the other person may need to prepare himself for any untoward incident or accident and we can all it sin of omission. Who is responsible for Covid19 coming to America ? Words can hurt, but you have the power to control what you say to someone else, so read on for 10 rules to avoid causing hurt feelings. If a Muslim woman calmly slapped a Catholic schoolboy for bothering her by trying to convert her to his religion, is she justified? Words do hurt people. 2. I think the question we should ask first is if it’s possible to hurt God. Here, I am not referring to something as unsubtle as a black eye, but to the more insidious pain of inner hurt, and that crushing feeling of inward offence. Words can hurt, but you have the power to control what you say to someone else, so read on for 10 rules to avoid causing hurt feelings. Catalogue your heartache, and don’t stop with the feelings you have regarding your friend. Love does no harm to its neighbor. They could not understand they were just too young. How to Fully Forgive. But some, who are considerate to others feelings get hurt themselves when … Why is this? No matter how you sugarcoat sin, it's still sin. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. You may be feeling guilty or remorseful for hurting someone. We know about the warnings against sexual sin. Every sin hurts someone, even if it’s only ourselves. Hard to believe, as no one actually wants to be hurt but it's true. The best way to do this is by framing your opinion as an “I” statement rather than a “you” statement. When someone continues to hurt you or has never sincerely apologized, your task of forgiving can take a while. Being on the receiving end of a deliberate or accidental offence and consequently feeling hurt inside can be a great problem for us all at some time. Therefore, Christianity does not make light of sin. It would depend on your intent and how the person was hurt. The forty-third sin promised Divine Chastisement is insulting a believer, degrading him, defaming him, abusing or taunting him. Find more similar words at! When my children were young I was a single parent & many times had to make decisions that "hurt" their feelings. Besides, one is never in a situation to which every answer, including no answer, would be a sin. Take initiative when you’ve hurt someone due to your own actions and mistakes. The truth is: you cannot make someone else feel bad. Besides, one is never in a situation to which every answer, including no answer, would be a sin. We think we know how others should act or how they should live their lives. Blessings. And yet God still labels it a sin. As you share the truth with someone they will feel hurt and maybe embarrassed. And it is true that telling a white lie will not have the same serious effect as, say, murdering someone. Permissions Here are the signs your partner has hurt feelings in a relationship — and you are the cause of it. Is it justified that I hate most Aboriginals? Hurting someone’s feelings by taking an action you had the right to do would not be either. 4. It is not a sin if you are trying to help but can be a sin if you are trying to insult by giving an unsolicited remarks. We … To be human is to be sensitive. Motive is what counts. We know about the warnings against sexual sin. On the other hand, if you DON’T believe in the concept of Sin you also then don’ ©2021 BGEA Women tend to hold in their hurt feelings. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Hurt people often alienate others and wonder why no one is there for them. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. Contact Us. Think before you say something to hurt someone’s feelings. 5. • Topics: Sin, You’re right, up to a point; anything we do that hurts others is a sin in God’s eyes. How to be less hurt by old age ? Can You Hurt Someone Else’s Feelings? Are unattractive people more likely to be violent and homicidal? When you hurt yourself or others, you are hurting the Whole. Sin is a big deal. Yet, I Loved them enough to do the right thing for them regardless of their emotional reaction at the time or if it meant they would be angry or for the time hate me. No one can hurt you unless you let them. The suffering of Christ was the real punishment and recompense of God on every hurt you have ever received from a fellow Christian. The reason is because every sin you commit hurts someone — including you. But God loves you and doesn’t want you to be a slave to sin any longer. Get answers by asking now. It hurts to tell the truth sometimes for both you and the one you are telling the truth. The GOOD Part about Sin, though, is that there’s always some way to “wash” it. Bible verses about hurting others Throughout Scripture Christians are told to love others. The reasoning is, as long as no one is hurt or the result is good, little lies are fine. Even if a person's sin remains undiscovered for a time, its impact on other areas of life will always have a negative bearing on others. Love begets love. (You can find the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:1-17.) Set aside some prayerful moments to ask the Lord to search your heart, and write your feelings in a letter to Him. More feelings may be rumbling through your spirit that only you can identify. So hurting some third cousin’s feeling because you didn’t invite her to your wedding because you wanted to keep things small is not a sin. Words do hurt people. The last, for example, forbids covetousness (that is, a deep yearning for something that belongs to someone else). It does not add insult to our injury. In the all in all you can not hurt another without hurting yourself. Find more similar words at! Unintentionally hurting people’s feelings is often more painful for the person who did the hurting, whereas for the one who got hurt, it can be just as difficult to heal from as a physical wound. BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This is easy to do and we do it all the time as humans. If you allow covetousness to take root in your soul, for example, it will hurt you, and turn you into a self-centered, greedy person. Synonyms for hurt someone's feelings include hurt, distress, offend, outrage, upset, annoy, bother, aggrieve, anger and displease. hmmm you ofcourse can. We are not to hurt others physically or emotionally. When dealing with people in general you need to be mindful of who your dealing with, get to know them and when you know what makes them tick so to speak, it may be determined as to what your intentions are towards an individual may be of good intent or malicious. Not only words said directly to the person, but words said when that […] What do you think of the answers? Unhealthy conditions such as sleeplessness and depression may manifest themselves, starting a chain reaction of damaging effects. … Pray for each other; ask someone to pray for us. Our sins are like ink on a pure white sheet of paper—even a "tiny" sin is like a drop on that paper that sticks out to God. The suffering of Christ was the real punishment and recompense of God on every hurt you have ever received from a fellow Christian. when you die does that mean you don't remember enything? 6. Sin usually requires intent or purpose. While you can’t take back the past, that doesn’t mean history is going to repeat itself. Think before you say something to hurt someone’s feelings. They often continually hurt the ones they love and need the most with their self-destructive behavior. Though we are commanded not to sin, there is forgiveness through Jesus Christ. (You can find the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:1-17.). Still have questions? If literally all possible actions or inaction would lead to bad consequences, then the person making the choice would be unable to be blamed for those consequences. Nor does it apparently hurt anyone else (unless it leads to something like cheating or stealing). Privacy Someone feeling guilt is more prone to stress, irritability, and suspicion. Bible verses about hurting others Throughout Scripture Christians are told to love others. When someone hurts us, we are inadvertently letting them have an emotional hold over us. We are not to hurt others physically or emotionally. Is it a sin to lie so someone's feelings are not hurt such as not telling them that their dress is truly ugly? When someone hurts you and oppresses you there are several permissible ways where you can react to that oppression: – You can go to Allah with your weakness and raise your hands to Him and make a dua, a supplication, against the one who has oppressed you; and the Prophet confirmed in numerous authentic ahadith that the dua of the one who is oppressed would surely be accepted … They may feel bad in response to you – the records they hold in their subconscious may prompt their brain to trigger their organs to produce chemicals that cause the sensations of hurt, jealousy, anger, resentment and other negative emotions – but you cannot make them feel bad. The truth is: you cannot make someone else feel bad. However, once it was brought to my attention, I'd better be apologizing! In the emotional arena it gets to be a fine line. The trick is speaking them. Unintentionally hurting people’s feelings is often more painful for the person who did the hurting, whereas for the one who got hurt, it can be just as difficult to heal from as a physical wound. If you want to be honest with someone without hurting their feelings, it’s important to express your perspective as opinion instead of a fact. Hurt begets hurt. Not only words said directly to the person, but words said when that […] When we sin, there is a way to restore fellowship with God: Confess that sin to God and to others. If you look at what is forbidden by the Ten Commandments, for example, you’ll discover that most things on the list deal with sins that hurt others — murder, lying, stealing, adultery, and so forth. Of feelings, it 's still sin never sincerely apologized, your task of forgiving can take while... 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