4.4 CiteScore. In addition, geriatric patients presenting with disorders of thermoregulation have a greater morbidity and mortality than other groups. However, the proper management of the patient with acute cerebral ischemic or progressing stroke is a subject of debate. Prompt, remedial medical preparation followed by early surgical extirpation of the gallbladder (with common bile duct exploration where indicated) is the surgical treatment of choice. 2017 - Volume 33 The main objective of the journal is to set a forum for publication, education, and exchange of opinions, and to promote research and publications globally. Most states require that clinicians who suspect elder abuse and neglect report their concerns to a designated authority. About this journal. Through education, training, and reinforcement, there are strategies to get health care professionals more involved and provide effective management protocols and guidelines for us to advocate for our patients in the current epidemic of elder abuse and neglect. The signs and symptoms of elder abuse and neglect may mimic the signs and symptoms of many common chronic medical conditions in elderly persons. The management of elder abuse and neglect should be multidisciplinary with several key personnel participating. Geriatric Nursing is written for nurses and nurse managers who work in hospitals, long-term care … The "demographic imperative" that has fueled the awareness of the needs of older adults has a major impact on issues related to social welfare, justice, and economics. Geriatric Medicine and Care is an Open Access journal and we do not charge the end user when accessing a manuscript or any article. Volume 36, Issue 4, Pages 549-732 (November 2020) Download full issue. The clinical syndromes associated with respiratory viruses frequently are indistinguishable from one another or bacterial pathogens; often, viral illness in older adults exacerbates underlying conditions, complicating diagnosis. Geriatrics (ISSN 2308-3417) is an international peer-reviewed scientific open access journal on geriatric medicine published quarterly online by MDPI.. Open Access —free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. In this narrative medicine essay, a critical care fellow returning to the ICU after burying her grandmother learns that grief does not conform to clinical schedules and efficiencies, having instead its own pace and melody, like the songs on violin she loved to performed for her beloved Gram. It, however, is not an inevitable outcome of illness and aging. May 2018 Geriatric Otolaryngology Karen M. Kost, MD, FRCSC, Editor. Treatment for other viruses primarily is supportive. In addition to physical indicators (bruises, malnutrition, fractures), attention must be paid to the social, family, and sexual history of the patient. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Vol. European Geriatric Medicine has a specific focus on Geriatric Medicine unlike the majority of other broader Gerontology journals. All health care professionals working with older adults need to become familiar with the recognition, treatment, and prevention of elder abuse and neglect. In addition, normal age-related changes, age-prevalent illness, and the atypical way in which diseases often present late in life may make the situation more confusing. Dibandingkan dengan Faktor Dampak historis, Faktor Dampak 2019 dari Clinics in Geriatric Medicine turun 17.59 %.Kuartil Faktor Dampak Clinics in Geriatric Medicine adalah Q1. Dr.Strandberg is the full professor of geriatrics at the University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital. The efficacy of patient education for both dental office and institutional patients is documented in this article. View aims and scope Guide for authors. … Getting Your Journal Indexed Date: 08 th May, 2014. Gerontology & Geriatric Research employs study of Psychology of aging, Elder Care, and Agining,etc.The interdisciplinary field of Gerontology has been one of the most active and quickly expanding disciplines during the past eight years. Thus, patient and caregiver education and other interventions targeted toward risk factors or types of abuse or neglect play an invaluable role in preventing elder abuse and mistreatment. The database could become a standard reference to guide the detection, assessment, and prosecution of elder sexual abuse crimes as well as build a base from which policy makers could plan and evaluate interventions that targeted risk factors. Functional change as a result of hospitalization is common, dynamic, and costly in both economic and human terms. Engage-IL (Enhancement of Geriatric Care for All through Training and Empowerment: An Interprofessional Imperative) includes an online accredited clinical geriatric training program (engageil.com), a student geriatric scholarship program, community outreach programs and a free downloadable mobile app, Dementia Guide Expert. In general, electrolyte disturbances are compounded in their intensity of presentation by the sluggish capacity for excretion of electrolyte, water, or drug loads inherent to the aging process. Elder abuse and neglect can be detected only through awareness, healthy suspicion, and knowledge of risk factors. ; 4 University of Utah S.J. RSS. Recent publications on the economic implications of palliative care are reviewed, which are only the "tip of the iceberg" of the potential costs and benefits. Influenza virus remains the primary viral pathogen in the elderly, although the impact of the other respiratory viruses remains to be defined. 不论您是正在查找出版流程的信息还是忙于撰写下一篇稿件,我们都随时待命。下面我们将重点介绍一些可以在您的科研旅程中对您提供支持的工具。, Below is a recent list of 2020—2021 articles that have had the most social media attention. The Geriatric Psychiatry Training Program is a major component of the UCLA’s nationally acclaimed geriatrics … Sexual abuse in the older adult population is an understudied vector of violent crimes with significant physical and psychological consequences for victims and families. Because of the physiologic age-related changes in the distribution and elimination of drugs and in the sensitivity to medications, adverse side effects develop frequently in the elderly. HIGHLIGHTS. Latest issues. The proposed federal Elder Justice Act of 2003, if passed, may fill in the gaps of current federal legislation by implementing a uniform method of response to domestic elder abuse and providing funding to the states to rectify instances of abuse. ; High Visibility: Covered by the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI - Web of Science). The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society ranks first for impact among 15 journals in the geriatrics and gerontology category (Science Citation Index, 1995). Acute cholecystitis is not an unusual sequela of chronic cholelithiasis, nor is its occurrence predictable. Special issues can confound the care of the dementia patient suspected of being abused. The information presented in this article suggests that our knowledge base regarding functional decline associated with hospitalization now allows us to identify high-risk patients and intervene both during and after hospitalization in order to maintain patient functioning. The EuGMS is interested, through this journal, in the promotion of Geriatric Medicine in any setting (acute or subacute care, rehabilitation, nursing homes, primary care, fall clinics, ambulatory assessment, dementia clinics..), and also in functionality in old age, comprehensive geriatric assessment, geriatric syndromes, education, models of care in health services (with a special … 4.4 CiteScore. Once a major cerebral infarction has occurred, therapy is limited to the prevention of complications and rehabilitation. Their quality of life is severely jeopardized in the form of worsened functional status and progressive dependency, poorly rated self-health, feelings of helplessness, and from the vicious cycle of social isolation, stress and further psychologic decline. Guide for Authors. The loss of independent self-care by older patients during hospitalization for an acute illness can be modified by specific interventions. Geriatric medicine. Physician and other health care providers will need to develop the tools and resources necessary to manage frail, chronically ill patients in settings other than the traditional acute care hospital, as well as to develop information systems that allow communication to flow easily between all levels of care. Chest pain is one of the most common and serious chief complaints. Journal of Geriatric Research is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that focuses on dispersing new advances in geriatric science and clinical care. Trends in Geriatric Healthcare is an international, peer reviewed, open access journal that publish novel research focuses on health care of elderly people. Education of the caregiver and attention to caregiver stress, including depression, may prevent onset and perpetuation of abuse. Articles & Issues. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine provides the latest diagnostic and therapeutic information in the field of geriatrics. The presentation of many renal diseases in older adults is remarkably similar to that in younger patients, although the symptoms and clinical findings are frequently attributed to diseases of aging. News The challenge to health professionals who wish to reduce or eliminate the use of restraints includes clinical, ethical, and legal concerns. As … ; 3 University of Utah Health Interprofessional Education Program, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. View aims and scope. Funding is the primary roadblock to the successful execution of state laws targeting domestic elder abuse. Newly emerging patterns of antibiotic resistance have altered recent guidelines for CAP treatment; DRSP is now a consideration in elderly patients because an age older than 65 years is a well-described risk factor for infection with this organism. 95, Issue 6, p1102–1104 Hospital to Community Transitions for Older Adults: An Update for the Practicing Clinician Paul Y. Takahashi, Aaron L. Leppin, Gregory J. Hanson 2.966 Impact Factor. Recognition of elder abuse and neglect among health care professionals has been a relatively recent phenomenon. This article presents advance directives, their various forms and uses, and reviews the current data on how well they achieve their desired goal. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in 2018 and 2019, and 'Y' is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2020 then, journal impact factor = Y/X Volume 37, Issue 1. pp. The accurate diagnosis of abdominal disease is important in the elderly, both to avoid negative exploration and to plan timely and appropriate operation. For over a quarter century, UCLA and its affiliated institutions have recognized the need to develop new initiatives in geriatrics and gerontological research to advance … Clinics in Geriatric Medicine provides the latest diagnostic and therapeutic information in the field of geriatrics. Awareness of elder abuse by professionals working in home care is essential, because the failure to detect abuse can interfere with interventions and in some cases lead to death. The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society ranks first for impact among 15 journals in the geriatrics and gerontology category (Science Citation Index, 1995). Full Text | pdf link PDF free. Explore the latest in geriatrics, including advances in diagnosis and management of cognitive impairment, dementia, osteoporosis, and more. Go, Diverticulosis, Diverticulitis, and Diverticular Bleeding, Frailty Screening and Interventions: Considerations for Clinical Practice, Parkinson Disease Epidemiology, Pathology, Genetics, and Pathophysiology. Five-Year Impact Factor 3.840. Considerable effort has been made of late, primarily due to financial incentives, to integrate these two levels of care into a "seamless" continuum. More elderly persons than children will develop acute leukemia this year in the United States. Publish. The body ages over time and use. This peer reviewed Journal also encourages the researchers to get the best from Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Research among the Gerontology journals list. Geriatricians must be well versed in evaluating elderly patients who have chest pain. These studies highlight the potential of geriatricians, in the setting of interdisciplinary care, to improve the process of patient care and to serve as directors of medical units that focus on management of acutely ill older patients. Nursing homes have published substantial experience with programs to reduce and eliminate the use of physical restraints. Menu. Journal of Geriatric Research focuses on fields such as ageing, geriatric anesthesia, neuroscience, neurology, rehabilitation, and geriatric oncology & care management rheumatology. CAP in elderly patients carries a significant economic and clinical burden and will be more commonly encountered in the future as the US population ages. It is important to base decisions regarding access to evaluation and treatment, quality of life, and initiation of termination of dialysis on strong moral and ethical grounds. The journal publishes various topics including but not limited to approach to primary healthcare focused on the needs of older adults, understanding the … Research and public policy pertaining to the use of physical restraints has advanced since Evans' and Strumpfs' 1989 review. Latest issue; All issues; Article collections; Sign in to set up alerts; RSS; About; Publish; Guide for authors. 2.966 Impact Factor. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine provides the latest diagnostic and therapeutic information in the field of geriatrics. The ethical struggle professionals face when they suspect abuse may also impede assessment or intervention. Please, feel free to browse through our pages and/or submit papers original articles, rapid communications, controversies in geriatric medicine, specific programs for the elders, case reports, letters to the Editor, book review and geriatric career achievements. Body systems may begin … A geriatrician is a primary care physician who specializes in treating conditions that affect older adults. Palliative medicine applies a multidisciplinary approach to patient care to relieve suffering. An acute abdomen requires prompt diagnosis and therapy in all age groups. Ranking: 55 of 98 Health Care Science & Service. Since older patients often respond to treatment as well as younger patients do, they deserve a thorough investigation, including renal biopsy when indicated. Impact Factor: 2.378. This has implications not only for the victims and the programs struggling to protect them but also for publicly funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Being aware of the wide variety of causes of dementia, however, will improve diagnostic abilities. Editor -in-Chief: Sam Ahmedzai, Anthony Dickenson & Edward Chow ISSN: 1751 … Home care providers often face practical and ethical dilemmas in cases of self-neglect. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. This study contributes critical information to guide the identification of physical and psychologic markers of elder sexual abuse to be integrated by clinicians and law enforcement as forensic medical evidence. 549–732 (November 2020) Volume 36, Issue 3. pp. Articles & Issues. There are 45 million people over the age of 60 and 3 million over the age of 85. Preventive regimens that have proven efficacy for older adults include topical fluoride rinses, brush-on gels, and antiplaque agents. These are relatively common diseases in the elderly, and age is traditionally thought to be a bad prognostic sign. Clinics. Identification and treatment of stroke-prone patients are now not a standard part of medical practice. Letter The Association of Cancer Physicians responds to “Cancer drugs, survival, and ethics” Published 05 December 2016. Elderly patients with acute coronary syndromes suffer higher mortality and more morbidity than their younger counterparts because they have higher prevalence of cardiac risk factors and have lived with those risk factors longer, physiologic effects of aging lead to sicker patients at presentation and impaired healing processes, they are more sensitive to some of the side effects of some of our higher risk therapies, and they are less likely to receive therapies that have been proven to improve outcome. As a leading journal of geriatrics and gerontology in Korea, one of the fastest aging countries, AGMR offers future perspectives on policymaking for older adults, clinical and … Among them are reduced protein binding, reduced biotransformation, diminished renal elimination, changes in receptor density or affinity, or both, diminished receptor adaptability, changes in the coupling between receptors and effector systems, impairment of responding organs resulting from the pathologic state, reduction in the reactivity of homeostatic mechanisms, and the aging process itself. Some factors remain unchanged. PMCID: all published articles receive a PMCID. ; High Visibility: Covered by the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI - Web of Science). Suspected cases must be reported to adult protective services or other appropriate law enforcement agencies. As the number of elderly persons increases, so will elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation. Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research (Ann Geriatr Med Res) is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to introduce new knowledge related to geriatric medicine and to provide a forum for the analysis of gerontology, broadly defined. Barriers to such an integration process must first be identified. 1–196 (February 2021) Does This Patient Have Parkinson Disease or Essential Tremor? Published four times a year—in February, May, August, and November—each issue covers a single topic in geriatrics, including cardiovascular disease, common geriatric disorders... Clinics in Geriatric Medicine provides the latest diagnostic and therapeutic information in the field of geriatrics. For survival and growth under the Balanced Budget Act, reengineering strategies are presented. Age remains one of the most powerful cardiac risk factors of all. Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research (Ann Geriatr Med Res) is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to introduce new knowledge related to geriatric medicine and to provide a forum for the analysis of gerontology, broadly defined. En español | If you’re in your 60s or 70s, you may have wondered if you should start seeing a geriatrician instead of, or in addition to, your primary care provider. COVID-19 is a geriatric emergency. Reporting laws exist in all states, and health care practitioners must become familiar with the laws in their states. Federal law sharply restricts the use of restraints. More than 380 geriatrics professionals from all disciplines, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, physician assistants, social workers, long-term care and managed care providers, and health care administrators participated in the 28 th Annual Clinical Update in Geriatric Medicine conference held at the Pittsburgh Marriott City Center Hotel, March 5-7. Certain endocrinologic disorders occur more frequently in the elderly than in younger patients. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care. Elder abuse and neglect is a result of the dynamic interaction between personal, family, social and cultural values, priorities, and goals. Quality of life studies are producing their first results. This article stresses the iterative nature of whole-patient assessment and goal planning, both of which should be conducted at certain important junctures in a patient's progression to manage effectively the evolving challenges faced by terminally ill persons and their families. Facts. Guide for Authors. In this article, currently accepted standards for cost-benefit analysis of health care interventions are outlined, and a framework to evaluate palliative care within these standards is provided. Quinney College of Law, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. A number of therapeutic strategies are currently being investigated in the management of ischemic stroke. Frequency: 4 issues / year. Urological effects and management, The Price of Palliative Care: Toward a Complete Accounting of Costs and Benefits, Clinical intervention trials: The ACE unit, Whole-patient assessment, goal planning, and inflection points: Their role in achieving quality end-of-life care, Bacterial Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Older Patients, Community-acquired pneumonia in elderly patients, Advance Directives and The Patient Self-determination Act, Pharmacodynamic basis for altered drug action in the elderly, Preventive Actions for Enhancing Oral Health, An Acute Inpatient Geriatric Assessment and Treatment Unit, Functional Decline Associated with Hospitalization for Acute Illness, Acute Cholecystitis in the Elderly: A Comparative Study, Evaluation of the Elderly Patient with Acute Chest Pain, Acute Leukemias, Myelodysplasia, and Lymphomas, Heart failure complicating acute myocardial infarction, The Acute and Long-Term Care Interface.
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