Not to be made light of or glossed over with religious platitudes. We, by our yeses, at Baptism, are God-bearers too. The nearest bus stop on this route is Minterne Magna, a village 2 ½ miles SE of the friary. The angel of the Lord announced to Mary, and she conceived by the Holy Spirit. Br Clark preaching at Hilfield on Sunday 27th December. Community & Volunteers | Hilfield Friary . Its all very counter-intuitive. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Stay In Touch; Website And Email Links; Sermons from Hilfield Friary. Did she really understand what was being asked? But I am willing. To cooperate with God. What skills or qualifications did Mary have to bear Jesus? There is however a special event on Christmas Eve – the Hilfield Friary Drive Through Nativity! Hilfield is a small, scattered village and civil parish in west Dorset, England, situated under the scarp face of the Dorset Downs 7 miles (11 km) south of Sherborne. Believing in Jesus, claiming our Christian vocation as his disciples doesn’t protect us from the trials and difficulties—the proving ground of life. All these are the skills we need—our God-given powers to make Christ known and loved. Visit their website:, We have a Community day off every Monday. Savor this word: “Beloved.” Share it. At this time! A key aim of the group is to encourage those who are new to the subject to become more experienced and confident at identifying bryophytes. Speaker: Br. In the funeral service it says even at the grave we make our song: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Most residential courses are held at the Friary which is just to the south of Sherborne. Hilfield Solar Project » Message from Hilfield Friary. These cookies do not store any personal information. email: hilfield***** Hilfield Friary. But our “yes” to God can open our eyes and hearts and hands to see, embrace and serve God at work in the world. Published 18 November 2020 | By joe Br Hugh writes: The poster at the Friary entrance announces Hilfield Friary’s solar project, part-funded by Low Carbon Dorset as part of the European Regional Development Fund . What is God’s message for us to take to the world? Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Crunching numbers on a spread sheet. We have the power to change the story we tell ourselves. When coming from Sherborne Station you can catch the X11 bus which runs approx. It’s not nothing. Our God-given powers can open up space for something new to happen in us and therefore in the world. Yes of course some are called to be prophets and leaders. Washing windows, working in the garden. It is an incredibly intimate moment in religious history. . “How can this be?” she asked. If you would be interested, or know someone who might be, please look at our website for further information and get in touch! Willing to do what I can here, for others in any way possible. Before moving to Hilfield and the United Kingdom in January 2018 he was born and raised in the United States. . Christian – Following Christ in the way of St Francis we care for the poor & marginalized of our society and all of creation. Residential guests (individuals and groups) Hilfield Friary provides a variety of accommodation for visitors: The Friary Guest House (Leo House) contains seven single rooms and one twin-bed room, including a ground-floor room which has level access to a toilet and shower. But she also holds up a mirror to us. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Published 3 November 2020 | By joe. He said, “We’ve been in the Diocese of Salisbury now for nearly 100 years - we’ll be celebrating our centennial in a few years’ time. Previously he was the Minister General of the Society of St. Francis, travelling among the five provinces of the Order. Monastic hospitals are included where they had the status or function of an abbey, priory, friary or preceptor/commandery. This programme is not currently available ... they do, however, manage to find in the woods at Hilfield friary, the beautiful wood sorrel. Say yes. Hilfield Friary is set on the edge of the Dorset Downs with magnificent views across the Blackmore Vale – rural England at its greenest, the countryside of Thomas Hardy’s novels. Saturday 12th December 2020 – Hilfield Friary, Dorset Hilfield Friary is hidden away in a rich part of West Dorset. It is hoped that the 2021 Programme will be able to run. Hilfield Friary We have a new style of mask in the shop - these days reduce the steaming up of glasses during wear - also available with an insert to keep the mouth area free. The Rev’d Lynn Fry is a volunteer at Hilfield Community. This is how God renews the face of the earth. Texting family and friends to check on them, to pray for them. And while we’re at it, we can point to the other things happening that make you stop and think, make you wonder—the dissipating air pollution, water purifying itself—nature shrugging off some of our human pillage. There We have tried to include a good range of habitats and sites across Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset and Hampshire. We are looking for volunteers, aged 18-30, to come and live with us at Hilfield Friary and join our community from August/September 2020 for several months to a year. We were certainly blessed by God's presence through all aspects of Creation, especially Sister Water who made herself known to us in lots and lots of rain! For Christians, Mary’s “Yes” to God has been celebrated ever since that day. As we celebrate her willingness, we reach down deep into our hearts and test our own willingness to cooperate in the sometimes-confounding request to witness to God’s grace and love and mercy. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. St Francis has been named the patron saint of ecology and there is an annual programme of weekend and day courses which explore and share particular Franciscan insights of caring for the environment and of peaceable living with people and creation. .This is serious, heart breaking stuff. As a Franciscan I don’t believe it depends on eloquence, but on simple living. READ MORE. He is the reason we remember this intimate moment in Mary’s life. Believe it. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The angel of the Lord announced to Mary, and she conceived by the Holy Spirit. Hilfield Friary added a new photo — at Hilfield Friary. Thanks be to God for a very holy Franciscan weekend at Hilfield Friary! What does it mean to be a God-bearer in our world? But chosen, loved, cherished. Yes. Jump to. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Further information about the Hilfield Friary Community can be found at I hear one word: “beloved.” Write it on your hands: I am beloved. Faith. .yes, just so. We celebrate the event and Mary’s unique vocation that grew from it. In this context, what are you hearing? Please click here to read the announcement on the Hilfield Friary website. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Hilfield Friary have recently announced that, Government restrictions permitting, they are hoping to take a limited number of guest bookings from Thursday 1st October 2020. Mothering skills. Hilfield Vision Statement In our daily living we aspire to be: Rooted – we seek to live simply and gratefully, caring for the Friary land that we have been entrusted with. Building projects. A devoted cousin Elizabeth. The same study programme is available at Sarum College from 27th Jul – 1st Aug 2015. I don’t know. These cookies do not store any personal information. “Don’t be afraid, my beloved” the angels always sing. ... First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2020. The Hilfield Community is all well. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. All of these things we do are part of the ordinary, quiet way God does extraordinary things. She is the mother of Jesus, the Messiah. Perhaps Buddha under the Bo tree is another—I guess most stories of profound religious inspiration are of necessity intimate before they get written down and proclaimed from the housetops. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I don’t, not really. Hilfield Friary is part of the Society of St Francis, a Worldwide Anglican Franciscan Religious Order. The event is free and welcome to all, from 10 am on Wednesday 5 September at Hilfield Friary, DT2 7BE. She said yes. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The Dorset Franciscan Community is looking for volunteers aged 18-30 to come and live at Hilfield Friary from August/ September 2020, for several months to a year. Death can claim our bodies but not our hearts. The way we face our lives is a powerful witness to others. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Click here to view and download 2020 Programme summary. hilfield friary solar – posted 22 november 2020 The poster at the Friary entrance announces Hilfield Friary’s solar project, part-funded by Low Carbon Dorset as … If coming out of lockdown has made you yearn for a simpler, prayer-filled life, then Hilfield Friary may be the place for you. Did she feel qualified. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Using the story of Mary and Martha, we will explore how we can live both an active and a contemplative life. 2020 Programme; Contact. Hilfield SSF Programme. The Guardian of Hilfield Friary, Clark Berge, has spoken of the Franciscan community's eco-friendly approach to life, ahead of Creationtide 2018. All things are possible with God who is constantly breaking into our world in surprising, intimate ways. Nobody does. We thank you for your prayers over the past months as we have prayed for you.Unfortunately, with the recent announcement of lock down, we are currently unable to welcome guests, either to stay or for services in Chapel. That is the world we are called to celebrate. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Today the Franciscan brothers of SSF are joined by men and women—young and old, married and single—who together constitute the Hilfield Friary … In this world! It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Br Malcolm sermon at Midnight Mass at Hilfield. every 2 hours between Sherborne Station and Dorchester South Station. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. But don’t discount your own witness. What do God’s angels whisper in your heart, fellow God-bearers? Details will be published as soon as the Covid-19 situation allows. Not forgotten. Stay In Touch; Website And Email Links ... Hilfield Friary is now a retreat centre and welcomes guests from all over the world to Dorset. Hilfield Friary is part of the Society of St Francis, a Worldwide Anglican Franciscan Religious Order. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Not punished. She is the Mother of Christ, called the Theotokos, or God-bearer. It doesn’t matter. How do we find time for ourselves, for others and for God? Visit their website:, We have a Community day off every Monday. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The Friary is very conservation minded and keen to have a list of the bryophytes on their land, which includes meadows, woodlands and streams. From 1997 until 2007 he was Guardian of Little Portion Friary, Long Island, NY. But as long as I am able, I cannot allow death to define who I am. Imagine that. It is a beautiful and tranquil place and we are delighted to be able to offer biblical language tuition in association with the Friary. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It is an incredibly intimate moment in religious history. Getting away for a run or exercise when we can. READ MORE. Hilfield Friary are looking for Volunteer Community Members with an interest in conservation and sustainable living, and also have opportunities for day volunteers who would like to get involved. She has served as a missionary to Papua New Guinea with her husband, Tony. The Friaries in Alnmouth and Glasshampton remain closed to guests for the time being. Thanks to Lynn for being our model ! Clark Berge | December 27, 2020. In our intimate, reflective moments after we read the Bible, or the newspaper, or listen to the news– about 10,000, 25,000, 250,000 infections, deaths totaling 10,000 projected to rise to a quarter million or a million or more. 2020 Programme; Contact. ! My Christian faith is about opening myself to God so that in the midst of confusion, fear, whatever, God’s power, God’s hope or Word if you will, can be proclaimed. ! For more information or to arrange a visit, please visit their website or call 01300 341 345 It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. That is the blessing of the Resurrection and the promise of the Annunciation we are celebrating today. Looking at her, we see ourselves: fully human and confronted by messengers from God asking for our cooperation. He is the reason we remember this intimate moment in Mary’s life. As John Milton, battling a sense of futility at his blindness famously said: “They also serve who only stand and wait.” Wait on God willingly. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Speaker: Br Samuel SSF | December 25, 2020. Staying at home is our corporate contribution to the healing of the world. The friary can meet you by arrangement in advance at these stations. Thank God for Mary and her son Jesus. For me, being a Christian is about witnessing to Christ, being kind to neighbors, caring for the poor, the sick, the outcast. In our present circumstances, it seems the most helpful thing we can do is to sit faithfully at home. In all of the programme offerings you are invited to explore something more about what it means to live in the world today. For urgent calls phone 01300 341345. Perhaps it was 525 (or earlier), when the feast was promulgated. On this weekend retreat, come and explore how to find the right balance for you. Let’s list our powers: the simple baby-caring skills of Mary is an example; so is our cooking, caring for the animals. For urgent calls phone 01300 341345. As long as we have breath, we can give thanks for the beauty around us, for the people we live with, for the dedicated doctors and nurses and others who serve and protect us, for scientists who are searching for cures. I wonder. Hilfield Youth Camp takes place every August at Hilfield Anglican Franciscan Friary in Dorset (UK). Field Programme 2020-21 Here is our programme of meetings for the coming season. There will be an opportunity to Gift Aid your donation, and/or to direct your gift to the brothers, or sisters or a particular house, after you have completed the final page on PayPal (PayPal account not required). Hilfield friary is set in the rolling hills of Dorset a few miles to the south of Sherborne. Alien houses are included, as are smaller establishments such as cells and notable monastic granges (particularly those with resident monks), and also camerae of the military orders of monks (Knights Templars and Knights Hospitaller). Open yourself to it. What’s going to happen? Sadly the 2020 Programme could not take place due to Covid-19. For that alone she is worthy of praise, adoration—everything we can muster! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Swans and dolphins in Venice’s lagoon. Do you feel ready for this moment in time? Sections of this page. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Organised by experienced volunteers, HYC offers up to 60 young people aged 13 to 17 years the chance of a low cost, fun holiday in stunning surroundings, while exploring a Christian theme. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. We are delighted to announce a new partnership for the Insight Programme with our friends of the Society of Saint Francis (SSF) at Hilfield Friary. Thank God for Mary and her son Jesus. View a short video here . A loving soon-to-be-spouse. Often it seems very unglamorous, requiring doggedness, determination more than brilliance. Family – An open and inclusive community that welcomes all people and creation. Shelving books. Few miles to the south of Sherborne the hilfield friary programme 2020 or function of an abbey, priory, Friary preceptor/commandery... Since that day our Programme of meetings for the website to function properly 1997! Announcement on the Hilfield Friary Guinea with her husband, Tony the mother of Christ, called the,. Of habitats and sites across Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset and Hampshire with the Friary which is just to south. 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