The PEK-KMG leg had been operated until Sunday by a 737 MAX8 (B38M) while the KMG-LUM leg was operated by a 737-800, whose alphanumeric code is B738. We use ads to keep our content free. An Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX crashed on Sunday, killing all 157 passengers and crew on board. Nach zwei Abstürzen mit Hunderten Toten hat die US-Luftfahrtbehörde erstmals wieder Starts des Jets genehmigt. Ursprünglich als kleines Kurzstreckenflugzeug geplant, stellen die aktuellen Modelle Boeing 737NG („Next Generation“) und 737 MAX eine Familie von Mittelstreckenflugzeugen für die kommerzielle Now let us compare it to the 737 MAX series (the fourth generation of Boeing 737). First, let’s look at the third generation 737 aircraft side by side. These improvements make the MAX cheaper for airlines to operate and allow it to fly farther. Erleichterung für Boeing-Aktionäre: Fast zwei Jahre nach dem Flugverbot für die 737 Max kommt der Flugzeugtyp in den USA wieder für Passagierflüge zum Einsatz. The main change that the 737-100 offered was twin engines. Für Airbus sind das gute Nachrichten - für die US-Wirtschaft überhaupt nicht. Doch … Improvements between the Original and the Classic series (737-300, 400, and 500) brought a fuel burn reduced of around 20% (according to the website The 737 Information Site). Note that as airlines take delivery of even more 737 MAXs, and as some make the decision to ground their MAXs due to safety concerns, route assignments are likely to change and you should check back frequently or set an alert on ExpertFlyer for any aircraft swaps. Die Boeing 737 des US-amerikanischen Flugzeugherstellers Boeing ist die weltweit meistgebaute Familie strahlgetriebener Verkehrsflugzeuge. Doch ganz so sicher ist der Sieg für die Europäer nicht. It is not the bank advertiser’s responsibility to ensure all posts and/or questions are answered. Since the first Boeing 737 was delivered to Lufthansa in 1967, Boeing has delivered more than 10,000 737 aircraft and has approximately 5,000 more orders on the books. Journalist - With almost a decade of experience in the publishing sphere, Justin has built up a deep understanding of the issues facing aviation today. On flight-tracking sites such as FlightRadar24 or FlightAware, you’ll see MAXes identified by four-digit alphanumeric codes. Both passenger capacity and range have increased substantially, making aircraft much more flexible in their deployments. It could well go on to be Boeing’s most popular model yet, once its problems are overcome. On ExpertFlyer, searching under “Flight Details”, you will see the MAX 8 referred to as 7M8: One of the best features of ExpertFlyer is the ability to set alerts for upcoming flights. Things have moved far since the Original 737-100 and 737-200 aircraft, but will the series recover from the ongoing 737 MAX issues? What is rather interesting i… The smallest of the MAX family, the 737 MAX 7, can fly up to 4,400 miles, almost 20 percent more than earlier 737s. After its second fatal crash in less than five months, nearly every aviation authority around the world with oversight of the plane, grounded the Boeing 737 Max … Weil Boeing die Produktion seines einstigen Erfolgsmodells 737 Max stoppen muss, sieht Airbus wie der Gewinner im ewigen Zweikampf aus. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Other versions of the 737 feature a perfectly round engine casing, like the 737-700 below. The 737 MAX is a much more efficient aircraft and cost-effective for airlines. The serrated “shark-fin” style engine casing is your first clue that you’re looking at a 737 MAX. The two incidents had a lot in common. American will noch in 2020 Passagiere mit der 737 MAX starten lassen. Of these, only 350 (or 3.5% of all deliveries) are of the 737 MAX variant. Both passenger capacity and range have increased … Die 737 MAX wird von modernsten CFM International LEAP-1B Triebwerken angetrieben werden, um höchste Effizienz, Zuverlässigkeit und Attraktivität für Passagiere im Markt für Single-Aisle-Flugzeuge zu bieten. Sign up to our daily aviation news digest. In addition, Airbus’ CE… Die Boeing 737 MAX darf wieder abheben - aber nur zu Testzwecken. The 737-7 MAX has a maximum range of 3,350nm (6,204km), while the actual A319neo range (not advertised) is estimated at 3,650nm (6,759km). Nach zwei Abstürzen ist die Baureihe aktuell weltweit nicht im Einsatz. The 737 MAX series has introduced several variants, with different options: The 737 has been the most popular aircraft to date (although the A320 has now caught up in orders). Every airplane will feature the new Boeing Sky Interior, highlighted by modern sculpted sidewalls and window reveals, LED lighting that enhances the sense … If it was a short flight of only $100 per ticket, that’s only $700 extra revenue. Much of the design of the 737 has stayed similar over the years. Changes in passenger operation. Disclaimer: The responses below are not provided or commissioned by the bank advertiser. Follow these easy steps to disable AdBlock, Follow these easy steps to disable AdBlock Plus, Follow these easy steps to disable uBlock Origin, Follow these easy steps to disable uBlock, Delta’s CEO Believes Vaccines Are The Key To Restoring Travel, How South American Airlines Are Responding To New COVID Variants, United States DOT Outlines Service Requirements For Funding, Volotea Operates Europe’s Last Scheduled Boeing 717 Flights, Airport Infrastructure – Everything You Need To Know. The new engines and design changes made the 737 MAX over 14% more fuel-efficient than the 737NG family. Since the first Boeing 737 was delivered to Lufthansa in 1967, Boeing has delivered more than 10,000 737 aircraft and has approximately 5,000 more orders on the books. Airbus was improving the A320 through a program called the A320 Enhanced in 2006, which featured weight savings, a new cabin design, and curved sharklets. The 737 MAX aircraft are not the same as the older 737-700, 737-800 and 737-900 variants. Seit 1964 im Einsatz, gibt es sie in vielen Versionen, die aktuelle ist die 737 Max. Moving forward to 2011, Boeing launched the latest member of its 737 family, the 737 MAX. Please view our advertising policy page for more information. This gave it six across passenger capacity and also allowed for simple conversion to hold standard-sized freight containers. The focus on meeting customer requirements continued, with options such as an ‘Unpaved Strip Kit’ allowing landing on gravel runways, popular with some airlines in places such as Canada and Alaska. This gives 9:1 bypass ratio versus 5.1:1 for the older engine. The Boeing 737 MAX was initially certified in March 2017 by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). In that respect, the 737 MAX was launched with the same motivation as the 737-100, to beat the competing aircraft at the time – in this case, now the A320neo family (launched in 2010). The 737 has seen 22 variants since the original 737-100 launched with Lufthansa in 1968. Die Boeing 737 MAX ist ein relativ neues Modell der Boeing Commercial Airplanes, das insbesondere durch sein Design und effiziente Neuerungen aus der bestehenden Flotte hervorstechen sollte. After discounting these numbers with a standard 15% -25% for factors such as fuel reserves, additional payloads and headwinds, stillair operation envelopes for these two aircraft remain in the … The Boeing 737 Max 8 flew its first flight in 2017. The easiest way to identify a 737 MAX in person, as opposed to the 737-700s, -800s and -900s that make up the bulk of commercial fleets these days, is to look at the engines. Das Desaster um den Absturzflieger 737 Max kommt den Luftfahrtriesen Boeing teuer zu stehen. Of these, only 350 (or 3.5% of all deliveries) are of the 737 MAX variant. Wohl kein Flugzeug hat derzeit einen so katastrophalen Ruf wie die Boeing 737 Max. A large part of the success of the whole type has been down to keeping commonality between the different variants and offering the improvements needed to beat the competition. … It does clearly indicate when a 737 MAX is in use. Angekündigt wurde das Modell bereits im Jahr 2011, allerdings flog das erste Flugzeug der Flugzeugserie erstmals Ende Januar 2016. The latest 737 MAX aircraft is a very different aircraft from the early Original and Classic series. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). Responses have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by the bank advertiser. That … Europas Nutzer der Boeing 737 Max, wie etwa Ryanair, können sich bis 22. The 737 Original made its mark with two engines, placed under the wings, and a wider fuselage than its competitors at the time. Boeing will certify the Max series under an amended type certificate as part of the 737 family rather than go for a whole new type certificate. Mit 200 Million Euro Strafe entkommt Boeing einem Strafprozess in den USA. Er enthält schwere Vorwürfe. Both were brand new 737 MAX aircraft that crashed shortly after takeoff, when pilots failed to maintain a steady climb. The Points Guy will not sell your email. A Miami-based flight attendant who wished to remain anonymous told TPG that she “no longer feels safe on the 737 MAX” and that she no longer “trusts” the aircraft. New features: CFM LEAP-1B fan with 18-blade, woven carbon-fiber fan blades giving a 69.4 in diameter compared to 61 in. Der Airbus-Rivale Boeing kommt nicht zur Ruhe: Der seit fast einem Jahr aus dem Verkehr gezogene Krisenflieger 737 Max muss wegen neuer Probleme inspiziert werden. Be in the know. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). The 7 and 10 are not in service yet; the MAX 8 is the most commonly found, and the MAX 9 is flown in North America only by United Airlines. This is due in large part to its compromise between range and capacity. The Original series also includes the 737-200. Das Desaster um den Unglücksflieger 737 Max kostet Boeing Milliarden. Die US-Justizbehörden erheben schwere Vorwürfe gegen den Flugzeugbauer. It could be any one of the previous 737s, models 300 through 900. The 300, 400, 500, and 600 are no longer in production. As Airbus progressed with the A320 Enhanced, it soon realized that engine technology had progressed to the point that it could deliver 15-20% operating cost reduction over the present generation, since the new engines will burn 16% less fuel. If you see a 737 without the serrated engines, it’s not a MAX. Boeing achieved this by equipping all models with the new LEAP-1B engines from CFM International. The MAX variants use new CFM LEAP-1B engines, while previous generations of 737s use older CFM56 engines from the same manufacturer. Boeing 737 MAX 8 has a range of 3,550 nautical miles (6,570 km). Still, if you’re trying to avoid traveling on a 737 MAX until an investigation into the Ethiopian crash is complete, here’s how you can identify on which 737 variant you’re flying. There was then a 7% improvement with the Next Generation series and a 14% improvement between the Next Generation and 737 MAX series. Maximum Range of Airbus A320neo vs Boeing 737 MAX. Dezember bei der EASA in die Sicherheitsdebatte einschalten. After two fatal crashes, Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, the MAX was grounded worldwide in March 2019. The earlier Boeing aircraft, the 707 and 727, had both been very successful. But how have operating characteristics changed over more than 40 years between them? See, you can tell before you book which model of 737 is scheduled, More Airlines and Countries Join Growing List of Those to Ground 737 MAX, How to Tell If You’re Flying on a Boeing 737 MAX in North America, Safety Experts Weigh in on the Boeing 737 MAX, Boeing Cancels 777X Event Following Second 737 MAX Crash, The Striking Similarities Between Lion Air and Ethiopian 737 MAX Crashes, Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX Crashes After Takeoff from Addis Ababa, Reminder: You don’t have to be on the ‘No Fly List’ to receive an airline ban, Marriott reinstates elite benefit guarantees effective immediately, Check your American Airlines accounts: 2021 rollover elite miles, dollars and segments now posting. The 737 MAX uses new, and more efficient, CFM International LEAP engines, and includes several aerodynamic modifications, including distinctive winglets. As such, you can tell before you book which model of 737 is scheduled for your flight. Boeing’s focus was very different at that time from what it has looked at now with the MAX. Der offizielle Abschlussbericht des US-Repräsentantenhauses zu den Hintergründen der Abstürze zweier Boeing 737 Max ist jetzt öffentlich. Das US-Justizministeriums erhebt nach zwei tödlichen Abstürzen des … 29.12.2020 All MAXes also feature distinctive, huge “double” winglets at the end of the wing, and a tapered, elongated tail, as seen on this American Airlines MAX 8, while older 737s have shorter tails and different winglets. There was then a 7% improvement with the Next Generation series and a 14% improvement between the Next Generation and 737 MAX series. Andere Airlines haben es weniger eilig. The Boeing 737 MAX is the fourth generation of the Boeing 737, a narrow-body airliner manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA). The primary reason to build the 737 MAX was to offer airlines more range and better efficiency, taking on the A320neo. Because of the 737’s popularity with airlines everywhere around the world, integrating the new 737 MAX is an easy proposition. These two incidents have many passengers and crew asking whether the 737 MAX is safe to fly. Lufthansa-Chef Carsten Spohr hält das nicht davon ab, den … As we can see, the range of the plane goes down the bigger it is (until you get to the last extended range model, the 737-900ER). In both cases, weather did not seem to be a contributing factor, suggesting that something else was responsible. Die 737 MAX optimiert die marktführenden Stärken der erfolgreichen Next-Generation 737, um Betreibern den Wettbewerbserfolg bis weit in die Zukunft zu sichern. While they share a name, 737s have evolved constantly and enormously from the machines that first flew in the 1960s. Please Support us by turning off your adblocker. Read TPG’s full coverage of the Ethiopian Airlines 737 MAX crash and aftermath: Featured image by Paul Weatherman / PRNewsfoto / Boeing. Both crashes were linked to the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), a new … And its range is 4,800 kilometers. 737 MAXes are produced in four variants: MAX 7, MAX 8, MAX 9 amd MAX 10, in order of fuselage size and passengers carried. But how have operating characteristics changed over more than 40 years between them? This offered an extended fuselage and engine improvements and according to Boeing data, went on to sell 1,095 aircraft (as opposed to only 60 737-100 aircraft). Die 737-Max-Familie ist die Neuauflage der 737-Familie des US-Herstellers Boeing. This is the same as the main changes introduced in the previous 737 series, the 737 Next Generation. Boeing 737 MAX 7 has a range of 3,850 nautical miles (7,130 km). Die 737 MAX kehrt in den Liniendienst zurück. A RED VENTURES COMPANY. It succeeds the Boeing 737 Next Generation (NG). Editorial Note: Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, airlines or hotel chain, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. One important distinction from previous 737s is the Boeing 737 Max 8 has a different software system. Only the MAX models have the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), software that automatically pitches down the nose of the plane to prevent a stall, which likely played a part in the Lion Air accident. The main change that the MAX offers is a more effective operation. Airbus A319neo vs. Boeing 737 MAX 7. While most passengers won’t notice the difference between flying on a 737-700 and a 737-800, the airline and the FAA carefully catalogue which specific variant is used to operate each flight. Flugzeuge für 50 Milliarden Dollar parken auf Halde: Nun muss Boeing den Bau der 737-Max-Jets vorerst einstellen. Boeing 737 MAX 9 has a range of 3,550 nautical miles (6,570 km) with an extra fuel tank. Since China ordered the grounding of all 737 MAXs, the PEK-KMG leg is now scheduled with a B738 as well. This site does not include all credit card companies or all available credit card offers. I would like to subscribe to The Points Guy newsletters and special email promotions. Foto: Steve Lynes.Lizenz: CC BY 2.0 Die US-Flugsicherheitsbehörde hat das Startverbot für den Absturzjet aufgehoben. Feel free to share your thoughts on the 737 family in the comments below. Whilst the same patterns exist as above, it is clear that the base range and carrying capacity of these aircraft are far superior to previous models. To get some idea of progress in fuel efficiency, just note how the efficiency was improved with each generation. Today’s 737s are very different airplanes from those made in the past. Looking at passengers, we can see that the A319neo carries more than its rival, the Boeing 737 MAX. The new being 737 MAX series is a different beast with its twin LEAP-1B from CFM International engines. Watch the elegance and power of Boeing's 737 MAX as it maneuvers through the air for this incredible air to air video shoot. The Boeing 737 has changed a great deal since its launch in 1968. Boeing hat Behörden über die Sicherheit der 737 Max getäuscht, 346 Menschen sind tot. Boeing 737 Max. If you’re booking a cash ticket, Google Flights should be the first stop for most searches. However, there are only seven passengers more. The Chinese and Indonesian governments have ordered their airlines to ground 737 MAXs, and Ethiopian Airlines, Royal Air Maroc and Cayman Airways have also suspended 737 MAX operations. As technology and airline expectations have changed, so has the 737 family, keeping it in the top spot for most successful narrowbody aircraft to date. for the 24-blade titanium fans of the CFM56-7. Please view our advertising policy page for more information. Based in Hong Kong and Darlington, UK. It has still proved popular, though, with 4,633 orders (according to Boeing data for April 2020). Editorial Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, airlines or hotel chain, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. The 737 MAX is a much more efficient aircraft and cost-effective for airlines. The 737 MAX, of course, has suffered from its grounding in 2019 following two crashes. Allerdings zweifelt niemand, dass auch die … But market attention had shifted to a more economical two engine possibility. This site does not include all credit card companies or all available credit card offers. Die Boeing 737 ist das meistgebaute Verkehrsflugzeug der Welt. It’s important to note that the 737 MAX represents a small subset of the overall 737 family. The new LEAP engines help the MAX aircraft deliver huge fuel savings over the previous models, with a 10 to 12 percent increase in fuel efficiency. Der als Schmalrumpfflugzeug ausgelegte Typ wird mittlerweile in der dritten und vierten Generation parallel gefertigt und hat über die Zeit seine äußere Erscheinung kaum geändert. It is based on earlier 737 designs, with more efficient CFM International LEAP-1B engines, aerodynamic changes including its distinctive split-tip winglets, and airframe modifications. Each variant of the 737 MAX has its own: You can see below how this looks in practice, using to study China Eastern Flight 5704, which flies from Beijing (PEK) to Kunming (KMG), and then on to Mangshi (LUM). Normally I use this to let me know if award inventory opens up, but you can also set an aircraft change alert, which will automatically let you know if there’s a change in the aircraft operating your flight. Of its members, the 737-800 has been the best selling, with a total of 4,991 orders. The credit card offers that appear on the website are from credit card companies from which receives compensation. While Google Flights doesn’t usually note the specific model of older 737s…. (Some don’t have any winglets, but that’s rare.). The Boeing 737 Max 8 is an outlier. As you build your 737 MAX fleet, millions of dollars will be saved because of its commonality with the Next-Generation 737, ease of maintenance, wide availability of 737 pilots, and the global infrastructure that supports the aircraft in operation. Likewise, the 737 can only fly an additional 100 NM than the Airbus, which, without going into details about fuel efficiency, … The 737-200, for example, offers a typical (single class) capacity of 115 to 130 passengers. You can sometimes see three-digit codes referring to aicraft; in the case of the 737 MAX, there will always be an M in the code. © 2021 THE POINTS GUY, LLC. While we don’t yet know the cause of the Ethiopian crash, and the Lion Air one is still being investigated as well, there’s an important distinction from a safety perspective. Many of the credit card offers that appear on the website are from credit card companies from which receives compensation. The MAXes also have other differences from the previous generation. The incident marked the second fatal crash in the short commercial history of the 737 MAX, following a Lion Air crash in October 2018. The 737 MAX family is designed to offer the greatest flexibility, reliability and efficiency in the single-aisle market. With a keen interest in route development, new aircraft, and loyalty, his extensive travels with airlines such as British Airways and Cathay Pacific has given him profound direct comprehension of industry matters. As such, you can tell before you book which model of 737 is scheduled for your.. How the efficiency was improved with each generation seem to be Boeing s. 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