Article 25-A guarantees the provision of free and compulsory education to all children aged 5–16 years in such a manner as may be determined by the law. Constitution of Pakistan 1956. Elimination of exploitation 4. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution, the President may, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, be removed from office on the ground of physical or mental incapacity or impeached on a charge of violating the Constitution or gross misconduct. Central Government Act. 3. 8. Zain Sheikh & Associates, Advocates & Corporate Consultants, Comparative Table of Article 47 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973, PRESIDENT OF PAKISTAN ISLAMABAD AND ANOTHER, The Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 Developed by Zain Sheikh, K4Kashmir » Pakistan’s chief justice keeps up pressure on beleaguered Zardari, Simon Denyer, 001- The Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003, 05-The Diplomatic and Consular Privileges Act, 1972, 06-The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, 1963, 07-Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961, 09- The Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 Part II. Learn how your comment data is processed. (1) There shall be an Auditor-General of Pakistan, who shall be appointed by the President. Answer=A. Removal of President.– (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution, the President may be removed from office in accordance with the provisions of this Article on the ground of physical or mental incapacity or on a charge of violating the Constitution or gross misconduct. B. 47 in their present form, (w.e.f. Auditor-General of Pakistan. ‘Right to life’ in Article 31 means right to sound mind and health. (7) The President shall have the right to appear and be represented during the investigation, if any, and before the joint sitting. Please become an honorary member, to join the collective effort to save The Constitution of Pakistan. October 1058. C. To be valid. What does Article 47 say? (8) If, after consideration of the result of the investigation, if any, a resolution is passed at the joint sitting by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the total membership of 3[Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] declaring that the President is unfit to hold the office due to incapacity or is guilty of violating the Constitution or of gross misconduct, the President shall cease to hold office immediately on the passing of the resolution. Right of individuals to be dealt with in accordance with law, etc. This complete constitution has been generated from excerpts of texts from the repository of the Comparative Constitutions Project, and distributed on The joint sitting may investigate or cause to be investigated the ground or the charge upon which the notice is founded. 14-The Conduct of General Elections Order, 2002. Key Highlights of the Constitution Of Pakistan. Removal 2 [or impeachment] of President. Item 8 of the Schedule to P.O. (4) The Speaker shall, within three days of the receipt of a notice under clause (2) or clause (3), cause a copy of the notice to be transmitted to the President. 5. In the latest of repeated moves to amend the docum… 47. Article 48: President to act on advice, etc. Article: 47 Removal or impeachment of President 1 [47. 25. No person shall be deprived of life or liberty save in accordance with law as provided in. Article 47 in The Constitution Of India 1949. The President shall have the right to appear and be represented during the investigation, if any, and before the joint sitting. After article 47 of the Constitution, the following article shall be inserted, namely:— ‘‘47A. […] analyst Gul said the possibility remained that Zardari’s opponents could try to invoke Article 47 of the Constitution that provides for the president’s removal from office “on the grounds of physical or mental […]. It suggests the primary duty of the state to be working towards improving public health. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A. 1. (w.e.f. June 1962. ( Log Out / Constitution Home Info Pakistan Home. General Ayub Khan takes over the reins of power. The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 as introduced in Rajya Sabha on 07-02-2020 is a bill to further amend the Constitution of India.. If a notice under clause (2) is received by the Chairman, he shall transmit it forthwith to the Speaker. February 1956. (2) Not less than one-half of the total membership of either House may give to the Speaker of the National Assembly or, as the case may be, the Chairman written notice of its intention to move a resolution for the removal of the President; and such notice shall set out the particulars of his incapacity or of the charge against him. or. Constitution of Pakistan. 6. Since then, a number of amendments have been made therein and it has become necessary and expedient that an up-to-date and No.14 of 1985, also inserted the said words in the title to Art. The Objectives Resolution to form part of substantive provisions 3. The current Constitution of Pakistan contains more than 250 articles, and several important amendments. (6) The joint sitting may investigate or cause to be investigated the ground or the charge upon which the notice is founded. Item 8 of the schedule to P.O. A High Court of Justice shall be established. 1956 Constitution promulgated. Article 47 of The Constitution of India is one of the Directive Principles which directs the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health as among its primary duties and, in particular, the State shall endeavour to bring about prohibition of intoxicating drinks and drugs which are injurious to health. The Speaker shall summon the two Houses to meet in a joint sitting not earlier than seven days and not later than fourteen days after the receipt of the notice by him. The government removed the special status for the state of Jammu and Kashmir by modifying Article 370. Not less than one-half of the total membership of either House may give to the Speaker of the National Assembly or, as the case may be, the Chairman written notice of its intention to move a resolution for the removal of, or, as the case may be, to impeach, the President; and such notice shall set out the particulars of his incapacity or of the charge against him. 6 of 207 (P.O. 1973 Constitution. (3) If a notice under clause (2) is received by the Chairman, he shall transmit it forthwith to the Speaker. _________________________________________________________________________________. Directive Principles are listed from Article 39 to Article 50, Part IV of the Indian Constitution. Free for one month and pay only if you like it. To be illegal. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. (5) The Speaker shall summon the two Houses to meet in a joint sitting not earlier than seven days and not later than fourteen days after the receipt of the notice by him. Download with Google Download with Facebook. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution, the President may, in accordance with the provisionsof this Article, be removed from office on the ground of physical or mental incapacity or impeached on a charge of violating the Constitution or gross misconduct. Article 8 Constitution of 1973 describe any law inconsistent with or in derogation of Fundamental rights. (2) Not less than one-half of the total membership of either House may give to the Speaker of the National Assembly or, as the case my be the Chairman written notice of its intention to move a resolution for the removal of, or, as the case may be, to impeach, the President; and such notice shall set out the particulars of his incapacity or of the charge against him.]. If, after consideration of the result of the investigation, if any, a resolution is passed at the joint sitting by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the total membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) declaring that the President is unfit to hold the office due to incapacity or is guilty of violating the Constitution or of gross misconduct, the President shall cease to hold office immediately on the passing of the resolution. Article 67. [Constitution] Try out our Premium Member services: Virtual Legal Assistant, Query Alert Service and an ad-free experience. 4. Even following that, the document has been continually reshaped by coups and the wishes of powerful members of Pakistan’s political elite. B. Pakistan's Constitution of 1973, Reinstated in 2002, with Amendments through 2015 7. This paper. No. 47. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. 5. The fact that the population of India has already crossed over 125 crores is really frightening. Article 8 of the Constitution of 1973 . 23 Full PDFs related to this paper. It … To be void . April, 1973 and the Assembly published the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. (2) Before entering upon office, the Auditor-General shall make before the Chief Justice of Pakistan oath in the form set out in the Third Schedule. TITLE IX THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. 6 of 2007), promulgated by President Musharraf, in the period of Constitutional deviation (between November 3, 2007 and December 15, 2007), w.e.f. One-Unit constituted, combining the four provinces and ten princely states of West Pakistan. It was rendered infructuous on 5 August 2019 by an order signed by the president of India and ceased to be applicable on that date. Javeed said that the president had called him to discuss his recent column, where he says that many in Islamabad are talking about invoking Article 47 of the Constitution against the president. Removal 2[or impeachment] of President. ( Log Out / 24. Download Full PDF Package. Change ). The word ‘life’ in Pakistan Constitution is similar to the word ‘life’ appearing in Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and in Article 31 Bangladesh Constitution. 3** Article 1 of the schedule to the Constitution (Second Amendment) Order, 2007, President’s Order No. The word 'life' in Pakistan Constitution is similar to the word 'life' appearing in Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and in Article 31 of our Constitution. Ahmad Ghouri. Create a free account to download. READ PAPER. March 2, 1985) in place of the said clauses as adopted in 1973, that read : 168. Pakistan downgraded its diplomatic relations with India and expelled the Indian high commissioner following the revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, 2019. Pakistan’s constitution has been undermined by a pattern of military coups interspersed with short-lived civilian rule. The National Assembly of Pakistan passed the Constitution on 10th April, 1973, the President of the Assembly authenticated it on 12th April, 1973 and the Assembly published the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. –(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution, the President may, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, be removed from office on the ground of physical or mental incapacity or impeached on a charge of violating the Constitution or gross misconduct. 1[47. Professor Nurul Islam Vs Government of Bangladesh and ors, 20 BLD (HCD) 377. Leading & Latest Cases on Article 47 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 : very true but who bring the change ?????????? Since then, a number of amendments have been made therein and it has become necessary and expedient that an up-to-date and authentic version of the Constitution be published by the Assembly. Article 9 of the Constitution of 1973 Not until 1973 was a constitution written by a democratically elected assembly. ( Log Out / The Parliament/Oireachtas may provide for the initiation by the people of proposals for laws or constitutional amendments. Professor Nurul Islam and others vs Government of … 47. The Republic and its territories 2. After East Pakistan declared its independence in 1971, becoming the new state Bangladesh, Ali Bhutto took over the presidency and established a new constitution on 14 August 1973, current to date. Article 47. Article 47: Removal or impeachment of President 1. The Speaker shall, within three days of the receipt of a notice under clause (2) or clause (3), cause a copy of the notice to be transmitted to the President. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN CONTENTS 1. It has swung between a parliamentary form of democracy and one in which executive power rests with the president. 2. No. Constitution of Pakistan 1956. From The Irish Constitution Explained by Darrell Figgis 1922. 1. 14 of 1985 substituted clause 1 and 2 of Art. ( Log Out / that Article 47 of the Constitution contemplates that a legal notice affecting the entire population of Kenya be treated as an administrative action and each member of the population (both natural and corporate) be given an opportunity to be heard individually on the intended legal notice before the notice (which is in the nature of an environmental precautionary measure) is issued or implemented. Download. 1956 Constitution is abrogated and martial law imposed. Islam to be State religion 2A. The constitution of Pakistan provides for the overarching guiding principles to run the affairs of the country The Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir was the legal document which established the framework for the state government of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.The constitution was adopted on 17 November 1956, and came into effect on 26 January 1957. A. 15-The qualifications to Hold Public Offices Order, 2002, 17-The Representation of People Act, 1976, 20-The Representation of the People (Conduct of Election) Rules, 1977, 21-CODE OF CONDUCT FOR POLITICAL PARTIES AND CONTESTING, 24-Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act, 2006. A short summary of this paper. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Article 47 is a direction to the state to raise the level of nutrition and standard of living. Provided that within fifteen days the President may require the Cabinet President of Pakistan Dr. Arif Alvi on Wednesday granted approval to a reference that will be filed in the Supreme Court by the federal government under Article 186 of the Constitution. Article 47 Constitution of India: Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health, ,Constitution of India, Article 47 in Hindi ... Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to India from Pakistan. 1. 2. Right to life in Article3l means right to sound mind and health. In the exercise of his functions, the President shall act on and in accordance with the advice of the Cabinet or the Prime Minister. March 2, 1985).
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