[101] Hence we infer, that he was not of so soft and effeminate a disposition, as to screen and promote uncleanness under the pretense of merciful dealing: he only made some abatement from stern justice, so as not to expose his wife to evil report. John Calvin Commentary 3x Larger Than Matthew Henry Bible Commentary free download - Matthew Henry Commentary Bible, Matthew Henry Commentary, Matthew Henry Commentary , … are, in the words of Philip Schaff, one of the few exegetical works that have outlived their generation.Calvin preached and wrote prolifically on the Bible. And then they assume the airs of haughty triumph, [103] as if this objection of the Christians had originated in ignorance or thoughtlessness, and were now forgotten and buried. Again, the supposition that Luke passes by the descent of Joseph, and relates that of Mary, is easily refuted; for he expressly says, that Jesus was supposed to be the son of Joseph, etc. [96] But that the fearful desolation which followed might not throw the minds of the godly into despair, it pleased God to appropriate the name of Messiah, Anointed, to the Redeemer alone: as is evident from Daniel, (9:25, 26.) For out of Christ we are alienated from him; but through Christ we are not only received into his favor, but are made one with him. And Jehoshaphat begat Jorem. Jacob begat Judah and his brethren While Matthew passes by in silence Ishmael, Abraham's first-born, and Esau, who was Jacob's elder brother, he properly assigns a place in the genealogy to the Twelve Patriarchs, on all of whom God had bestowed a similar favor of adoption. The prophet is sent to assure him that God will protect the city. Nor is there any force in the objection, about which the Jews make a good deal of noise, that the name of God is frequently applied to those memorials, by which he testified that he was present with believers. [111] "Mais quand Christ est apparu en sa personne, le peuple a eu une presence de Dieu veritable, et non pas ombratile comme paravant." And she shall bear a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS. -- "Whereas Ishmael and Esau were thrown out and banished from it as strangers.". Publisher: Baker, 2013. on a. harmony of the evangelists, matthew, mark, and luke, by john calvin . But while the familiar intercourse between God and the people depended on a Mediator, what had not yet fully taken place was shadowed out by symbols. ", [86] "Matthieu, en sa description, ne passe point plus haut qu'Abraham, qui a este le pere du peuple sainct et esleu." For as soon as he comes to the close of the genealogy, Matthew points out that Christ was conceived in the womb of the virgin, not from the seed of Joseph, but by the secret power of the Spirit. --("Who saw well by outward marks that Mary was pregnant. John Calvin (1509-1564) Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 1. Again, by the sanctifying influences of his Spirit, he frees us from the tyranny of Satan, that we may live "unto righteousness," (1 Peter 2:24.) Next: Read Charles Spurgeon's Sermon on the Fatherhood of God. Calvin preached and wrote prolifically on the Bible. Calvin's Commentaries, Part 33 Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part III tr. Not only is such wickedness regarded with abhorrence by good and honorable minds, but that winking at crime which I have mentioned is marked by the laws with infamy. Chapter 8. His most notable theological stance is the belief that God is sovereign in the matters of salvation and election. Of his commentaries, Calvin's Commentary on Matthew, Mark, and Luke is well-known--unsurprisingly, given the power, insight, and instruction it has. A contemporary reading of the Lord's Prayer in many languages:-About the writers here . John Calvin (1507-1564) was part of the reformation movement of the sixteenth century. [96] Every reader of the Bible is familiar with the phrase, the Lord's anointed, as applied to David and his successors, (2 Samuel 19:21; Lamentations 4:20.) John Calvin (1507-1564) was part of the reformation movement of the sixteenth century. Matthew 1:1. Comparing the inspired history with the succession described by Matthew, it is evident that he has omitted three kings. Though he was not naturally descended from Solomon, yet he was reckoned his son by legal succession, because he was descended from kings. But here we are instructed as to the manner in which God communicates with men. Chapter 6. (13) They had no intention or design to abolish by their writings the law and the prophets; as some fanatics dream that the Old Testament is superfluous, now that the truth of heavenly wisdom has been revealed to us by Christ and his Apostles. The Gospels and Acts (Fortress commentary on the Bible study edition) by Margaret Aymer, Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, David A. Sánchez, editors. It is more probable, in my opinion â and the nature of the case warrants the conjecture â that he had not seen Matthewâs book when he wrote his own; so far is he from having expressly intended to make an abridgment. Be a Berean especially with older commentators such as Calvin, Henry, Jamieson (JFB is one of the best older works), Gill. John Calvin’s Bible Commentary . Now if the descent is not traced to him, how, or by what argument, shall he be proved to be "the son of David"? -- Ed. The inference he drew from it was, that Mary remained a virgin no longer than till her first birth, and that afterwards she had other children by her husband. [94], 12. -- "So that nevertheless this bastard seed came to have one day in its hand the Royal scepter. I call it the legal genealogy, because the right to the throne passed into the hands of Salathiel. Now as this did not happen by chance, but by the direction of Divine Providence, so under this diversity in the manner of writing the Holy Spirit suggested to them an astonishing harmony, which would almost be sufficient of itself to secure credit to them, if there were not other and stronger evidences to support their authority. 6. Of his commentaries, Calvin's Commentary on Matthew, Mark, and Luke is well-known--unsurprisingly, given the power, insight, and instruction it has. True, the prophet addresses the virgin alone, and therefore uses the second person, Thou shalt call But from the time that this name was published, all the godly have an equal right to make this confession, that God has given himself to us to be enjoyed in Christ. Granting that modest reserve prevented her from venturing to tell her husband, that she was with child by the Holy Spirit, it was not so much by her own choice, as by the providence of God that she was restrained. Hence, too, we learn in what way or manner Christ saves; he delivers us from sins This deliverance consists of two parts. ACCORDING TO MATTHEW, MARK, AND LUKE . by John King [1847-50] Start Reading. Sermon Manuscripts and Commentaries. by John King [1847-50] Start Reading. About the writers here . He exclaims that he is bringing a sign from the Lord, and not an ordinary sign, but one superior to every other. The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Note: Calvin interprets Mt 24:15, 21 ;as fulfilled in 70AD - literal reading of the passage strongly argues against his interpretation. He may, indeed, hide himself, and remain silent; but, when our patience has been subjected to the trial, he will aid us at the time which his own wisdom has selected. (10) We shall thus be enabled to ascertain what design those heavenly witnesses had in writing, and to what object the events related by them must be referred. In the words, they shall call, there is a change of the number. And Boaz begat Obed by Ruth. ", [94] "Robert Etienne a ce propos allegue un exemplaire Grec ancien, ou il y a ainsi, Josias engendra Joacim, et Joacim engendra Jechonias." As all are not agreed about these two genealogies, which are given by Matthew and Luke, we must first see whether both trace the genealogy of Christ from Joseph, or whether Matthew only traces it from Joseph, and Luke from Mary. His commentaries display a rare combination of exegetical insight, pastoral concern, and theological depth which have inspired generations of Christians. And Jesse begat David the king. As he was a just man Some commentators explain this to mean, that Joseph, because he was a just man, determined to spare his wife: [98] taking justice to be only another name for humanity, or, a gentle and merciful disposition. Again, the foundation of this covenant was the Messiah. And Eliakim begat Azor. But it is a mistake to read the words of Luke, he went down with them, and stood in the plain, (Luke 6:17,) as immediately connected with the statement that, lifting up his eyes on the disciples, he spoke thus. And Pharez begat Hezron. Immediately after the words in question, the prophet adds: "Before the child shall know to refuse the evil and choose the good, the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings," (Isaiah 7:16.). My opinion is this. It now remains to inquire, lastly, why Matthew included the whole genealogy of Christ in three classes, and assigned to each class fourteen persons. And Jotham begat Ahaz. And Salma begat Boaz by Rahab. Title: Downloads PDF Commentary on Matthew by John Calvin Bible Studies Books Author: John Calvin Subject: Downloads PDF Commentary on Matthew by John Calvin Bible Studies Books For hundreds of years John Calvin’s Commentaries have been admired and relied upon for their deep insights into Scripture. [110] "C'est bien autrement: car il y a plus d'apparence au contraire;"-- "it is quite otherwise: for there is more probability on the opposite side. There were two reasons why Christ withdrew into the wilderness. 15. 23. -- "Judas a commis sa meschancete avec sa bru, pensant que ce fust une autre." And Rehoboam begat Abijah. Bible > Calvin's Commentaries > Matthew 24 Matthew 24 Calvin's Commentaries. Sacred Texts Christianity Calvin Calvin's Commentaries, Part 32 Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part II tr. And Zadok begat Achim. Gen 1:1. We must not, therefore, look to this passage for ascertaining the common law. ", [112] "Somme, pour faire et accomplir toutes choses requises au salut du genre humain;" -- "in a word, to do and accomplish all things requisite for the salvation of the human race. And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. As stated: "Including a 500-year logo/emblem to celebrate the 500th anniversary of John Calvin's birth, this set contains 22 commentary volumes and the Beveridge edition of Calvin's Institutes." The common and well-known reply is, that in the person of Joseph the genealogy of Mary also is included, because the law enjoined every man to marry from his own tribe. 2. Hear about sales, receive special offers & more. Matthew 10:1-8. While he grants no particular sign to testify his grace, this one sign ought to be deemed more than sufficient to meet your wishes. It is justly called a good andjoyful message, for it contains perfect happiness. Let us suppose her to have spoken. Topic(s): Commentary. Calvin's Commentaries, Vol 32: Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part II, full text etext at sacred-texts.com. And Eleazar begat Matthan. Ahaz trembles, and is almost dead with terror. -- "It was easy for them to point it out, as with the finger, and without a long story. This sort of contradiction is reconciled by good and learned interpreters in the following manner. I have now, I think, proved that, when the door was shut against every kind of miracle, the prophet made an appropriate transition to Christ, for the purpose of leading unbelievers to reflect, that the only cause of the deliverance was the covenant that had been made with their fathers. Matthew states, that Christ spoke to his disciples on a mountain, while Luke seems to say, that the discourse was delivered on a plain. For the promised Redeemer will come, in whom God will show himself to be fully present to his people.". My servant Moses is not so. The etymology too agrees with Matthew's translation of the word: for it means hiding, [108] which expresses the modesty that becomes a virgin. Next: John Calvin on Matthew 6:10. His most notable theological stance is the belief that God is sovereign in the matters of salvation and election. And Jacob begat Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. Let us now, therefore, investigate the true meaning of this passage. Epiphanius, in his First Book against Heresies, assigns this reason, that the name of Jeconiah had been twice put down, and unlearned [93] persons ventured to strike out the repetition of it as superfluous; which, he tells us, ought not to have been done, because Jehoiakim, the father of king Jehoiakim, had the name Jeconiah, in common with his son, (1 Chronicles 3:17; 2 Kings 24:15; Jeremiah 27:20; Jeremiah 28:4.) John Calvin (1507-1564) was part of the reformation movement of the sixteenth century. Yet it is proper for us to know, that this was done more on our account than for his personal advantage: for every necessary method was adopted by God, to prevent unfavorable suspicion from falling on the heavenly message. Some things, too, are related by him which the other had omitted, and his narrative of the same event is sometimes more detailed. Again, the four histories, which relate how Christ discharged the office of Mediator, have with great propriety received this designation. David the King begat Solomon by her that had been the wife of Uriah; by Bathsheba, whom he wickedly tore from her husband, and for the sake of enjoying whom, he basely surrendered an innocent man to be murdered by the swords of the enemy, (2 Samuel 11:15.) 19. Even while a feeble shadow of power remained, a striking change was visible, which warned believers, that they ought to expect another and more excellent kingdom than that of Solomon, which had flourished but for a short time. Commentaries by John Calvin; Commentaries by Adam Clarke; Exposition of the Bible by John Gill; Synopsis of the Bible by John Darby; Complete Commentary by Matthew Henry; The Popular Commentary of the Bible by Paul E. Kretzmann; Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible by Robert Jamieson, A.R. The prophet rebukes him sharply, and at length adds, "The Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel," (Isaiah 7:14. It is objected, on the other hand, that at almost no period had that law been observed: but the arguments on which that assertion rests are frivolous. He discharged, indeed, the office of Mediator from the beginning of the world; but as this depended wholly on the latest revelation, he is justly called Immanuel at that time, when clothed, as it were, with a new character, he appears in public as a Priest, to atone for the sins of men by the sacrifice of his body, to reconcile them to the Father by the price of his blood, and, in a word, to fulfill every part of the salvation of men. Should any one allege, that this does not enable us to decide, with perfect certainty, that Mary was of the same tribe with Joseph, because she was his wife, I grant that the bare narrative, as it stands, would not prove it without the aid of other circumstances. Having learned the will of God, he instantly prepared himself to obey. ", [99] "Il ne vouloit point nourrir le mal en dissimulant et faisant semblant de n'y voir rien." The Lord's Prayer. [109] They produce a passage from the book of Proverbs, "the way of a man with a maids," vlmh, (Proverbs 30:19.) Besides, the two words 'Iesous and yhvh, Jesus and Jehovah, agree but in two letters, and differ in all the rest; which makes it exceedingly absurd to allege any affinity whatever between them, as if they were but one name. To such a pitch of impudence have many of their Rabbins proceeded, as to explain it in reference to King Hezekiah, who was then about fifteen years of age. Next: John Calvin on Matthew 6:13. I am well aware of the manner in which they attempt to solve this difficulty. Eusebius, in the first book of his Ecclesiastical History, adopting the opinion of Africanus, prefers applying the epithet legal to the genealogy which is traced by Luke. 13. They are of great doxological value not just for preachers and teachers, but for your own soul. Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible: New Modern Edition [6 volume - Set] Matthew Henry. [112] The first thing which we ought to consider in this name is the divine majesty of Christ, so as to yield to him the reverence which is due to the only and eternal God. And, indeed, the freely bestowed adoption, by which we are made sons of God, as it proceeds from the good pleasure which the Father had from eternity, has been revealed to us in this respect, that Christ (who alone is the Son of God by nature) has clothed himself with our flesh, and made us his brethren. Luke 3:23-38. In this way, he felt himself at liberty to pass by some names, which Luke could not with propriety omit, not having restricted himself by that rule. It is because the prophet draws our attention to something very uncommon. But we must understand that dreams of this sort differ widely from natural dreams; for they have a character of certainty engraven on them, and are impressed with a divine seal, so that there is not the slightest doubt of their truth. Such is well known to have been the practice of the inspired writers. Besides, Matthew chose to divide the genealogy of Christ into three departments, and to make each department to contain fourteen persons. If any one inquire whether or not the genealogy traced by Matthew and Luke proves clearly and beyond controversy that Mary was descended from the family of David, I own that it cannot be inferred with certainty; but as the relationship between Mary and Joseph was at that time well known, the Evangelists were more at ease on that subject. Sacred Texts Christianity Calvin Calvin's Commentaries, Part 32 Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part II tr. Let this, therefore, be regarded as an established truth, that the prophet here refers to a remarkable miracle of God, and recommends it to the attentive and devout consideration of all the godly, -- a miracle which is basely profaned by the Jews, who apply to the ordinary method of conception what is said in reference to the secret power of the Spirit. Mark 2:1 … [90] "In nurum suam incidit." His first commentary on Romans was published in 1540, and he planned to write commentaries on the entire New Testament. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. Begat David the King In this genealogy, the designation of King is bestowed on David alone, because in his person God exhibited a type of the future leader of his people, the Messiah. The prophet is sent to him, saying, "Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God;ask it either in the depth, or in the height above," (Isaiah 7:11.). 21. [99] And certainly he is but a pander [100] to his wife, who connives at her unchastity. Chapter 9. John Calvin (1507-1564) was part of the reformation movement of the sixteenth century. When the angel approaches Joseph, who is still unacquainted with the whole matter, wicked men have no reason to charge him with being influenced by prejudice to listen to the voice of God. Next followed the effect of faith. If nothing more be known than this, that Joseph was one of the descendants and family of David, the genealogy of Christ will still remain doubtful." Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 by John Calvin. Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 - Enhanced Version (Calvin's Commentaries Book 32) - Kindle edition by John Calvin. I have received 22 volumes, but did not receive copy of "Beveridge edition of Calvin's Insittutes" as stated. But his kingdom was shortly afterwards established by God, as a pledge of true prosperity, in the hand of David. from the stock of David the Messiah will arise." There was then a general promise, by which God adopted the children of Abraham as a nation, and on which were founded all the special promises. for shortly afterwards the prophet tells us that this child, whoever he was, would be ruler of the land. It is a noted passage, in which he enjoins us to avoid excessive keenness in disputing about "genealogies, as unprofitable and vain," (Titus 3:9.). If the reason of this name began to be actually true, when Christ appeared in the flesh, it follows that it was not completely, but only in part, that God was formerly united with the Fathers. Hence it is evident that the word Gospel applies properly to the New Testament, and that those writers are chargeable with a want of precision, (12) who say that it was common to all ages, and who suppose that the Prophets, equally with the Apostles, were ministers of the Gospel. [110]. 25. And David the king begat Solomon by her who had been the wife of Uriah. Suspecting his wife of adultery, and even convinced that she was an adulterer, he was unwilling to hold out the encouragement of lenity to such a crime. Thus have I discussed the genealogy of Christ, as far as it appeared to be generally useful. Website: ntslibrary.com. Matthew 1:1-17. What took place afterwards, the historian does not inform us. It is a well-known and remarkable passage, (Isaiah 7:14,) but perverted by the Jews with their accustomed malice; though the hatred of Christ and of truth, which they thus discover, is as blind and foolish as it is wicked. 24. It was by a wonderful purpose of God, that Luke exhibited Christ to us as the son of Adam, while Matthew confined him within the single family of Abraham. John Calvin. Sacred Texts Christianity Calvin Index Previous Next Calvin's Commentaries, Vol. 22. Use Bible commentary free online for Bible study including these popular commentaries; Matthew Henry, John Calvin, Geneva Study Bible, Martin Luther's, John Gill's, Jamieson, Faussett & … ), We expound this as relating to Christ in the following manner: "You, the whole posterity of David, as far as lies in your power, endeavor to nullify the grace which is promised to you;" (for the prophet expressly calls them, by way of disgrace, the house of David, Isaiah 7:13;) "but your base infidelity will never prevent the truth of God from proving to be victorious. I will be his father, and he shall be my son," (2 Samuel 7:12-14. Jerome, on the other hand, earnestly and copiously defended Mary's perpetual virginity. 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