The furthest town of the Allobroges, and the nearest to the territories of the Helvetii, is Geneva. Julius, in his odd, third-person narrative, was often more declamatory on engineering feats than military victories. Julius Caesar Commentaries on the Gallic War Books 1–5 and 6.11–24 C. IULII CAESARIS COMMENTARII RERUM GESTARUM DE BELLO GALLICO Text, Notes, Companion, and Vocabulary by FRANCIS W. KELSEY Revised and with a New Introduction by REX STEM Michigan Classical Press J Ann Arbor 1 (c) Kelsey and Stem, eds., Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War, Michigan Classical Press, … Caesar stationed the legion, which he had brought [with him] on horseback, 200 paces from this mound. But when Ariovistus saw them before him in his camp, he cried out in the presence of his army, Why were they come to him? From these circumstances it resulted, that they could range less widely, and could less easily make war upon their neighbors; for which reason men fond of war [as they were] were affected with great regret. October 1st 2005 C. Valerius Procillus, as he was being dragged by his guards in the fight, bound with a triple chain, fell into the hands of Caesar himself, as he was pursuing the enemy with his cavalry. He [Procillus] said that, in his own presence, the lots had been thrice consulted respecting him, whether he should immediately be put to death by fire, or be reserved for another time: that by the favor of the lots he was uninjured. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. 368,000 C. Valerius Procillus, as he was being dragged by his guards in the fight, bound with a triple chain, fell into the hands of Caesar himself, as he was pursuing the enemy with his cavalry. Caesar sent letters and messengers to the Lingones [with orders] that they should not assist them with corn or with any thing else; for that if they should assist them, he would regard them in the same light as the Helvetii. So I've been told. That he would therefore instantly set about what he had intended to put off till a more distant day, and would break up his camp the next night, in the fourth watch, that he might ascertain, as soon as possible, whether a sense of honor and duty, or whether fear had more influence with them. When he found that they did not even then come out [from their intrenchments], he led back his army into camp about noon. He himself, meanwhile, drew up on the middle of the hill a triple line of his four veteran legions in such a manner, that he placed above him on the very summit the two legions, which he had lately levied in Hither Gaul, and all the auxiliaries; and he ordered that the whole mountain should be covered with men, and that meanwhile the baggage should be brought together into one place, and the position be protected by those who were posted in the upper line. Julius Caesar himself was one of the most eminent writers of the age in which he lived. in the Aeduan) territories, as these were known to be of distinguished valor, to whom they gave lands, and whom they afterward admitted to the same state of rights and freedom as themselves. Having therefore, as quickly as he could, provided a supply of corn, he hastened to Ariovistus by forced marches. This single canton having left their country, within the recollection of our fathers, had slain Lucius Cassius the consul, and had made his army pass under the yoke. Of all which items the total was: Commentaries of Caesar on the Gallic War;: The original text reduced to the natural English order, with a literal interlinear translation of the first seven books (Classic interlinear translations) Caesar, Julius . Throwing aside [therefore] their javelins, they fought with swords hand to hand. I have nothing to say about what particular version of the Gallic Wars I read. In it Caesar describes the battles and intrigues that took place in the nine years he spent fighting the Celtic and Germanic peoples in Gaul that opposed Roman conquest. They thought, that considering the extent of their population, and their renown for warfare and bravery, they had but narrow limits, although they extended in length 240, and in breadth 180 [Roman] miles. Napoleon's Commentaries on the Wars of Julius Caesar: A New English Translation Hardcover – April 5, 2018 by R A Maguire (Author) 4.5 out of 5 stars 7 ratings. 43 There was a large plain, and in it a mound of earth of considerable size. As it ought not to be pardoned in him, if he were to make an attack upon our territories; so, likewise, that we were unjust, to obstruct him in his prerogative. He must feel suspicious, that Caesar, though feigning friendship as the reason for his keeping an army in Gaul, was keeping it with the view of crushing him. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion 35 When these answers were reported to Caesar, he sends embassadors to him a second time with this message: Since, after having been treated with so much kindness by himself and the Roman people (as he had in his consulship been styled king and friend by the senate [59 B.C. Reading this recalled to me detailed histories of the conquistadors: the Gauls and Germans tribes were as diverse and socially developed as the Totonacs, Aztecs, etc. Gaius Julius Caesar Commentaries on the Gallic War translated by W.A. Both perished in that flight. Running Core Vocab Flashcards in PowerPoint format (.zip, .ppt, 881 kb) rev. of the heads of the Helvetii] But that, if no one else should follow, yet he would go with only the tenth legion, of which he had no misgivings, and it should be his praetorian cohort.This legion Caesar had both greatly favored, and in it, on account of its valor, placed the greatest confidence. Book 1: Chapters 1-7 Book 5: Chapters 24-48. Spoiler. Having accepted their excuse, and having had the road carefully reconnoitered by Divitiacus, because in him of all others he had the greatest faith [he found] that by a circuitous route of more than fifty miles he might lead his army through open parts; he then set out in the fourth watch, as he had said [he would]. This has an additional commentary about Caesar's Civil War by another author. The Helvetii having followed with all their wagons, collected their baggage into one place: they themselves, after having repulsed our cavalry and formed a phalanx, advanced up to our front line in very close order. When they were come to the place, Caesar, in the opening of his speech, detailed his own and the senates favors toward him [Ariovistus], in that he had been styled king, in that [he had been styled] friend, by the senate, in that very considerable presents had been sent him; which circumstance he informed him had both fallen to the lot of few, and had usually been bestowed in consideration of important personal services; that he, although he had neither an introduction, nor a just ground for the request, had obtained these honors through the kindness and munificence of himself [Caesar] and the senate. Of their two daughters, one was slain, the other captured. He ordered the Helvetii, the Tulingi, and the Latobrigi, to return to their territories from which they had come, and as there was at home nothing whereby they might support their hunger, all the productions of the earth having been destroyed, he commanded the Allobroges to let them have a plentiful supply of corn; and ordered them to rebuild the towns and villages which they had burned. And when this was done, one of the soldiers of the tenth legion said, not without a touch of humor, that Caesar did more for them than he had promised; he had promised to have the tenth legion in place of his praetorian cohort; but he now converted them into horse. 33 Caesar, on being informed of these things, cheered the minds of the Gauls with his words, and promised that this affair should be an object of his concern, [saying] that he had great hopes that Ariovistus, induced both by his kindness and his power, would put an end to his oppression. 6 There were in all two routes, by which they could go forth from their country one through the Sequani narrow and difficult, between Mount Jura and the river Rhone (by which scarcely one wagon at a time could be led; there was, moreover, a very high mountain overhanging, so that a very few might easily intercept them; the other, through our Province, much easier and freer from obstacles, because the Rhone flows between the boundaries of the Helvetii and those of the Allobroges, who had lately been subdued, and is in some places crossed by a ford. He had an incredible grasp of both the strategy and tactics of war, seemed to sense the mood of his cohorts and centurions, at will could grasp the political dynamics of wherever he was and had a mastery of the logistics of battle from what ground to occupy to where water and victuals could best be had. For five successive days from that day, Caesar drew out his forces before the camp, and put them in battle order, that, if Ariovistus should be willing to engage in battle, an opportunity might not be wanting to him. I have read a few other histories that included this time period. Caesar's Commentaries are an outstanding account of extraordinary events by one of the most exceptional men in the history of the world. . The man conquered and re-conquered Africa(carthage), Spain and Germany(Gaul),Britannica, and Egypt. 54 This battle having been reported beyond the Rhine, the Suevi, who had come to the banks of that river, began to return home, when the Ubii, who dwelt nearest to the Rhine, pursuing them, while much alarmed, slew a great number of them. Be the first. But the Germans, according to their custom, rapidly forming a phalanx, sustained the attack of our swords. Now translate from the sixth book of Caesar's commentaries... on the Gallic War. Caesar defeated as much by strategic allies and overwhelming advanced military technology/technique just as Hernán Cortés did in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire. PreviousTable of contentsNext, Out of these, such as could bear arms, [amounted] to about 92,000. If, for nothing else, it's a great read. ]), he makes this recompense to [Caesar] himself and the Roman people, [viz.] But though there had been room for such stratagem against savage and unskilled men, not even [Ariovistus] himself expected that thereby our armies could be entrapped. McDevitte and W.S. I am a student of history, and not a historian. The Belgae rises from the extreme frontier of Gaul, extend to the lower part of the river Rhine; and look toward the north and the rising sun. As to Caesars threatening him, that he would not overlook the wrongs of the Aedui, [he said] that no one had ever entered into a contest with him [Ariovistus] without utter ruin to himself. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1869. Tolosa, Toulouse] is a state in the Province. Renatus du Pontet. ], had most anxiously sought after the friendship of the Roman people; why should any one judge that he would so rashly depart from his duty? At sunset, after many wounds had been inflicted and received, Ariovistus led back his forces into camp. Having therefore, as quickly as he could, provided a supply of corn, he hastened to Ariovistus by forced marches. Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic war : literally translated, with explanatory notes by Caesar, ... Contributor University of California Libraries Language English. 49 Perceiving that Ariovistus kept himself in camp, Caesar, that he might not any longer be cut off from provisions, chose a convenient position for a camp beyond that place in which the Germans had encamped, at about 600 paces from them, and having drawn up his army in three lines, marched to that place. Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War book. Of the Boii DEFEATED NAPOLEON S COMMENTARIES ON THE WARS OF JULIUS CAESAR A NEW ENGLISH TRANSLATION' 'Julius Caesar Modern English tmolly de April 28th, 2018 - Julius Caesar Modern English Julius Caesar Modern English Title Ebooks VERSION JULIUS CAESAR THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND FROM THE INVASION OF JULIUS CSAR TO' 20 / 51 Commentarii de Bello Gallico (English: Commentaries on the Gallic War) is Julius Caesar's firsthand account of the Gallic Wars, written as a third-person narrative. Caesar was a genius. I did catch myself wondering throughout whether Caesar was relating his true intentions, or merely trying to put a positive spin on his actions, but I'd suppose this is the case for any such writings. Publius Considius, who was reputed to be very experienced in military affairs, and had been in the army of Lucius Sulla, and afterward in that of Marcus Crassus, is sent forward with the scouts. Which terminates in war.LIII. The numbers of the several Helvetian forces before and after the war.XXX. All that being said, this book is sheer drudgery. Read this book. This complete edition of Caesar's Commentaries contains all eight of Caesar's books on the Gallic War as well as all three of his books on the Civil War masterfully translated into English by John Warrington(about 1958). He [Liscus] speaks more unreservedly and boldly. His commentaries on the Gallic and Civil Wars are written with a purity, precision, and perspicuity, which command approbation. As to his having attacked one canton by surprise, [at a time] when those who had crossed the river could not bring assistance to their friends, that he ought not on that account to ascribe very much to his own valor, or despise them; that they had so learned from their sires and ancestors, as to rely more on valor than on artifice and stratagem. That he had come into Gaul before the Roman people. The completed draft of Caesar’s De Bello Gallico Book 1 is being completely revised and reformatted to produce a 2017 edition of Caesar’s Helvetian Campaign.New revisions of the Helvetian Campaign will appear throughout the Fall of 2017. von ihrem treuen Diener Apollodoros des Nachts mit einem kleinen Boot unbemerkt zum Hafen von Alexandria rudern, in einen Teppich wickeln und so in den Palast - an den strengen Wachen ihres befeindeten Bruders Ptolemaios XIII. Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic war : literally translated, with explanatory notes by Caesar, Julius . 31 When that assembly was dismissed, the same chiefs of states, who had before been to Caesar, returned, and asked that they might be allowed to treat with him privately (in secret) concerning the safety of themselves and of all. Caesars message to Ariovistus and the bold answer of the latter.XXXVII.-XXXIX. My sister remembers reading it and having to translate it in her Latin class in high school. 23 The next day (as there remained in all only two days space [to the time] when he must serve out the corn to his army, and as he was not more than eighteen miles from Bibracte, by far the largest and best-stored town of the Aedui), he thought that he ought to provide for a supply of corn; and diverted his march from the Helvetii, and advanced rapidly to Bibracte. Caesar's Commentaries are an outstanding account of extraordinary events by one of the most exceptional men in the history of the world. His poem entitled The Journey, which was probably an entertaining narrative, is likewise totally lost. He appointed Labienus over the winter-quarters, and set out in person for Hither Gaul to hold the assizes. As to its being reported that the soldiers would not be obedient to command, or advance, he was not at all disturbed at that; for he knew, that in the case of all those whose army had not been obedient to command, either upon some mismanagement of an affair, fortune had deserted them, or, that upon some crime being discovered, covetousness had been clearly proved [against them]. And that unless he depart and withdraw his army from these parts, he shall regard him not as a friend, but as a foe; and that, even if he should put him to death, he should do what would please many of the nobles and leading men of the Roman people; he had assurance of that from themselves through their messengers, and could purchase the favor and the friendship of them all by his [Caesars] death. The Helvetii send ambassadors to sue for peace.XIV. He [Caesar] makes inquiries on the same points privately of others, and discovered that it is all true; that Dumnorix is the person, a man of the highest daring, in great favor with the people on account of his liberality, a man eager for a revolution: that for a great many years he has been in the habit of contracting for the customs and all the other taxes of the Aedui at a small cost, because when he bids, no one dares to bid against him. et des millions de livres en stock sur Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. (William Alexander) Title "De Bello Gallico" and Other Commentaries Contents: The war in Gaul -- The civil war. He said when he was young he could read and write Latin as well as he could Greek. There were found very many of our soldiers who leaped upon the phalanx, and with their hands tore away the shields, and wounded the enemy from above. Wondering what was the reason of this conduct, he inquired of themselves. 58.] Of all these, the Belgae are the bravest, because they are furthest from the civilization and refinement of [our] Province, and merchants least frequently resort to them, and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind; and they are the nearest to the Germans, who dwell beyond the Rhine, with whom they are continually waging war; for which reason the Helvetii also surpass the rest of the Gauls in valor, as they contend with the Germans in almost daily battles, when they either repel them from their own territories, or themselves wage war on their frontiers. C. Julius Caesar. A 4pp publisher's catalogue is bound in at rear. But even if he were willing to forget their former outrage, could he also lay aside the remembrance of the late wrongs, in that they had against his will attempted a route through the Province by force, in that they had molested the Aedui, the Ambarri, and the Allobroges? Caesar made an end of his speech and betook himself to his men; and commanded them that they should by no means return a weapon upon the enemy. This day was the fifth before the kalends of April [i.e., the 28th of March], in the consulship of Lucius Piso and Aulus Gabinius [B.C. If the unsuccessful battle and flight of the Gauls disquieted any, these, if they made inquiries, might discover that, when the Gauls had been tired out by the long duration of the war, Ariovistus, after he had many months kept himself in his camp and in the marshes, and had given no opportunity for an engagement, fell suddenly upon them, by this time despairing of a battle and scattered in all directions, and was victorious more through stratagem and cunning than valor. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1869. When the gauls rebel for the fourth or fifth time and Caesar once again puts down the rebellion in pretty much the same manner as before, I confess I started to lose interest. I didn't choose this book for light reading and that's a good thing. I bought it in 1970, when I took Second-Year Latin, to use as a crib sheet. But if he would depart and resign to him the free possession of Gaul, he would recompense him with a great reward, and would bring to a close whatever wars he wished to be carried on, without any trouble or risk to him. On the day appointed for the pleading of his cause, Orgetorix drew together from all quarters to the court, all his vassals to the number of ten thousand persons; and led together to the same place all his dependents and debtor-bondsmen, of whom he had a great number; by means of those he rescued himself from [the necessity of] pleading his cause. There were 6,000 horse, and as many very active and courageous foot, one of whom each of the horse selected out of the whole army for his own protection. 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